
I think it’s like manners. Originally, both were created to make life easier and more efficient for everyone, but both are also often hijacked as class identifies.

It’s also pretty shitty for them to use Lisa, who has always been a stand-in for the social justice-inclined, to complain about political correctness. It’d be like having a new Lord of the Rings where Frodo extols the virtue of holding on to earthly riches and power.

I will respond to you because this is exactly the kind of garbage that I find outrageous. NOW supports this legislation. UNICEF supports this legislation. 49 State Attorney Generals support this legislation and are on the record that there is a current loophole in the law that prevents them from prosecuting sex

I wasn’t a big fan of the white straight guys because I always detected an undercurrent of MAGA-ness in them, despite all the love and praise they had for the five guys. But Tom was sweet and his episode sold me on the series. I also really liked the Christian dad with a grillion kids.

I often observe that they are much more confident when it comes to being stepped on than they are at realizing they’re stepping on someone else.

This has been my working theory
Women put up with pain on the regular. Not just periods but all kinds of other stuff. Like I have a friend that got an IUD and she says it feels like an animal clawing inside her womb trying to get out(!!!??!!). But I have to ask her this - she won’t even mention it. Despite being very

Hats off and deep bows to you for an incredibly cool, collected response to some people who are having a lot of feelings.

I needed to read something like this today.

yeah, some days i want to read all about it because i want to know that im not alone; other days, it’s all i can do to keep from bursting into tears at my desk at work because i HATE knowing other people have been through it too.

Having also been a receptionist, that seems accurate. The goal for reception seems to be “pleasant-looking, but mildly so.”

You’re assuming he couldn’t complete the assignment because he didn’t have the answer or couldn’t think critically enough to come up with one...when I read that I assumed he couldn’t complete it because it brought up emotions that 5th graders are not necessarily equipped to deal with.

As a teacher, I get what the intent (probably) was, but this is not the best way to approach this idea or lesson. One of the most powerful moments I’ve had as a teacher was basically moderating a discussion of racism, deaths like that of Trayvon Martin, and violence against POC in my seventh grade classroom. I was

Do we think the teacher is just really stupid and thought it might be an interesting thought exercise to show how people justify objectively terrible behavior, or do we think this person was trying to actually indoctrinate students in racist hatred?

Women usually do win custody cases, you’re right. But who do you think holds the keys to the bank account in their relationship?

I don’t know. I can still feel some sympathy for her and not like her for her own choices in the process as honestly her marriage feels like Trump has something over her that stops her from leaving him which would probably be unfit mother charges and removing custody of Barron. The Orange Turd doesn’t seem to give a

Damn, i thought this was a good thing though. At least meant to be.

Governments seem to care. To the extent they’d rather lose billions of dollars in boycotts to enforce predatory laws.

When LGBTQ+ people are no longer being widely under/misrepresented and being oppressed? Like I do GAF because I’m queer and 12 year old me would have really benefited from seeing positive queer representation at a young age other than literally just Ellen. Also how are going to say that a person being trans doesn’t

Where’s the fat option

Are Australian school systems weird? Or was she skipped two grades? Because I was in the class of 2007 and I am 27.