Ms. Bellum

Just went and checked because I was curious: Parks and Rec actually passes the Bechdel test within seconds! The very first lines of the pilot consist of Leslie surveying a little girl about how enjoyable she finds the park.

I can't believe that's real. No. No.

The drop exists regardless of sex, for sure, but psychology studies have found over and over that it is far more dramatic for girls.

And wouldn't it be super weird if they were?

The only reason I could tolerate Salvation was Anton Yelchin (and okay, Christian Bale is attractive even if he is an asshole). This is just gonna be a complete turd without the adorable redemption of Reboot-Chekov.

N is for no surVIIIIIIVORS!


I don't not consider it patronizing. I don't not.

Oh, there is no doubt in my mind: if April joins a cult, Andy is coming, too.

It's not that curious, IMO: they haven't been avoiding pregnancy, it just hasn't happened. Infertility (or trouble conceiving in general) isn't that unusual, particularly without modern technology.

Mickey's code of honor is strange and convoluted, but I think it's his weird form of respect for Mandy. He was all ready to bash Ian's head in during S1 when she said that Ian had raped her, but he immediately backed off when she told him to. Similarly, he knows that Kenyatta is a cheating, abusive piece of shit,

Yeah, I think in other circumstances the hair would've been a blip on the radar ("oh no, I loved that hair," followed by her petting his buzzed head and then wildly giggly sex), but given that she was miserable and worried and feeling out of control before coming home to a prostitute breastfeeding her baby, every

Mmm, okay, I guess that's where we part ways. I didn't think they were ever insinuating that. Plenty of people crash and burn without doing a full Frank-or-Monica style permanent collapse. If anything I think the show is developing Lip as a potential (hopefully avoided) Frank. Maybe Ian as Monica, but only because

I really don't think I get what you're objecting to here. Fiona is relatively innocent— yeah, WE know. JDM's character knows nothing about her except that she's a felon brought in by her PO and the PO, in her job, has every reason to be suspicious of her clients' claims about anything.

Still not quite— it's Molesley.

Interesting, I didn't take it that way at all. JDM's "is this one going to make it?" and the response "who knows" seemed more general to me than specifically about addiction. I mean, to some degree, they may think she's an addict (how many walk in claiming they don't have a problem?), but more broadly it's about

Did anyone do a double take at Dan Savage recommending double-bagging, or is that just me? My understanding is that it's not a good idea to wear male and female condoms together. Does someone else know better?

Twinks as a group have a reputation for being… how can I put this delicately… a little shallow, maybe. But hey, different strokes for different folks and all. Sexually.

Seems a bit like the sender up there, MMM. Some people really don't have any kind of longheld kinks, fetishes, or fantasies and are happy to go along for the ride, because yay, sex. It's cool to have a bigger discussion about it if you're worried, just don't press her into coming up with something when she has

No sarcasm whatsoever: It's touching that you feel ready to share this here with us, and I'm glad to be able to participate. This is astonishingly close to being a "safe space" considering what it is.