We would upgrade to grey, but then we'd have to change the bulb.
We would upgrade to grey, but then we'd have to change the bulb.
Yes. I found myself laughing out loud at individual lines, but I think the overall episode could've been stronger.
Christianity dominates in this country; I'm all for protecting the rights of the non-Christian minority, including Muslims. It's not like atheists are out advocating for the validity of sharia law.
That was exactly my experience, FWIW.
Well, yeah, I'd definitely put her in the "racist white" category. Nearly all 19th century white people, really. I mean, at the time, the bar for Not THAT Racist was thinking "probably shouldn't literally enslave dark-skinned people and force them into lives of servitude, physical labor, beatings, and rape" so,…
Yup, I'm looking forward to it!
I mean… no? Why should it be? Depending on what you mean by "enough," of course.
You could say that about almost any criticism of anything, though. No reason to stop talking about stuff just because the small-but-vocal groups at the extremes will run away to Crazytown with it. And if those people do decide to boycott Pixar… eh, so what? Nothing much happens.
I honestly feel that there is little to no danger of that happening.
Nope, it's not, actually. Racism and sexism oppress together and can be fought together. But apparently you'd rather be able to say "got mine, fuck you," just like the racist white women you mentioned.
Wait, this isn't the Amorous Vagina Club?? I want my $50 back.
Again, and? It is a test of one issue, female representation. There are hundreds of further lenses you can (and should) examine them with beyond sex and beyond race. But this is a discussion about sex/gender. There's nothing wrong with that.
Pretty clearly not what I said— in fact, I invoked the idea that some feminists have racial bias by reminding you of times when people have interrupted race-based discussions by trying to "override" them with sex/gender issues. Racism is most certainly a problem within the feminist community.
…and? We can have a conversation about sexism without playing Oppression Olympics. I'm guessing you do not enjoy it when talk about racism is interrupted with BUT BUT BUT WOMEN HAVE BEEN BLAH BLAH BLAH THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF BLAH BLAH BLAH. It's a dick move. Just like your comment.
"Christmas Gorbles"
Yeah, I have watched probably about five horror movies total and I thought CitW was plenty scary, just not TERRIFYING. But it also wasn't really supposed to be scary for hardcore horror fans.
This is the second dog— the first one was a male named Pharaoh. I guess they just like that breed.
I don't know about most cyclists on the east coast, but the ones in Boston definitely did not receive that memo, I assure you.
Eh, I doubt it. Having overall control of the money in a marriage doesn't mean micro-managing every purchase/check, especially not for very wealthy people.
"Monogamy has always been the point of marriage. Literally always."