
Drone away :-D

What happened to the shondaland open thread? I miss it!!!

Ummm...a baby in a tiny white trench? With a tiny designer purse? Whose first complete sentence is “It’s handled”? I would die a thousand adorable deaths.

I hope everyone doesn’t respond to this by saying, “So it took a man to say it, and people will listen. . . . .”

This is so sad. In 1978, I was one of two adopted babies allowed out of India. The adoption was through Missionaries of Charity. Given the long-ingrained contempt of women and girls in some aspects of Indian culture, to think that that many more children won’t be helped (mostly girls) is heartbreaking.

I kinda like some of the BHLDN ones, though. Some of those same dresses also pop up when you filter by “bridesmaid dresses” and “reception dresses.” I think, on BHLDN’s website, searches for anything other than “bride” just show all the non-white dreesses. Hence the young models.

I’m going to assume that I don’t agree with the Senator about very much, but at least she seems to be a responsible adult, unlike many of her colleagues.

See, I could never understand the whole wedding dress thing. Having to “just know” that it’s “THE dress” always seemed a little...silly to me. (full disclosure: I’m a gay dude who loves the idea of weddings but thinks the stressing out is CRAY-CRAY.)

You know what? I liked Garden State and I kind of loved the soundtrack. You know what else I liked? (500) Days of Summer.

Id like a time jump where Mellie is president and Fitz and Olivia are living together but she's realized she hates him.

Last year, on the first day of school, I was sitting outside the classroom waiting for my class to start. A bunch of students were already lined up, waiting for the room to open (there was another class already in there).

I used to teach elementary art in a really low-income school district near Denver. One student, Franklin, was a third-grader who was homeless and living in a car with his mother at the time. The district and social services were aware and helping as much as possible, but mom was hard to work with due to some ongoing

“When Michelle and I came into office....”

This is false. It is merely a shell, a ghost of what it once was. Greys died a long time ago.

OMG commenters, there is a point at which you have to accept that when you read an article on a WEDDING BLOG it is most likely going to be about a fairly mainstream wedding, with lots of guests and dinner and open bar and a white dress. You are not making an Important Point by coming here and saying “whatevs you don’t

Not to mention the knot’s $ vs $$ vs $$$ mean NOTHING. Some venues that were $$ cost more than the $$$ ones.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

My family originates from Irish peasant stock, which contributes to a somewhat no-nonsense attitude to death. When I was about six, my grandfather died in Ireland. Far-flung sons, daughters and their families gathered for the funeral.

When my son passed away, he was 14 months old and a friend had brought his young daughter up from KY for the funeral. It was late January and she had never seen snow so she started doing snow angels and playing in the snow at the cemetery. The other kids who were there were looking at their parents for the same

HGTV by way of Faulkner is the single best descriptor I've ever read.