
She can pay the tax bill with museum tours! “This is where Rosie threatened to toss all the kids in the water, this is where Joe Gorga stained the walls with his spray tan.”

Its as sexist as the man taking the women’s name (which isn’t sexist at all) how about we let people choose what they want without assholes like you trying to put them down? If a man would like to take his future wife’s last name great that’s fine, if he’s completely against it great that’s fine. If a woman wants to

seriously, my thought was that even without law enforcement experience, I would have been able to escort that lady off the plane with no or little drama....they need to hire a bunch of elementary school teachers as trainers.

Its only sexist if it forced, if both partners agreed to it there is no sexism involved

One time I flew from LGA to DCA on a 737 that had a total of 5 passengers on it. It was so cool, they let all of us sit in first class and we skipped the safety spiel and drank free liquor with the flight attendants.

Not sure I want to live on a planet where Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are divorced but Rihanna and Chris Brown are Facetiming.

It’s killing me that he is an aspiring divinity student!

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.

If you start a GoFundMe for your next family event I will donate to your alcohol budget.

I’m quietly and patiently waiting for the Taylor Swift backlash to begin. I am so irritated by everything she does and I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because she has a touch of that everything-must-be-perfect-at-all-times/ “NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!” vibe to her.

I’ve never done anything near this level, but I ref my social dodgeball league and the shit I take compared to the guys is unbelievable. I’ve been called a bitch multiple times, one time told to watch the way I talk to people because I’m making myself unlikable, told that I don’t “know the fucking rules” and, in a

As a lifelong football fan who wished as a girl that I could play, this makes me so happy. The to-the-point headline rocks too. :)

He probably also wouldn’t support financial support for her when she needs it to sustain a child and the psychological counseling of it.

This next election, which is over A YEAR AWAY, is going to be explosive. Between the Black Lives Matter protests and a tipping point of un-funding women’s healthcare, the line of beliefs will be very clear. Lets face it, republican’s policies no longer have anything to do with the economy and everything to do with

I feel you. I really do. But it’s a slippery slope. As a union teacher, I shudder at the thought that my pension could be impacted if a fellow educator at my school did something worthy of a law suit. I’m not responsible for some other person’s shit behavior. I wish there was an easy solution. =/

Now playing

Can I just let folks know that Tig’s documentary is on Netflix. Can’t get enough of her.

WOAH WOAH WOAH Sharon. I feel for you. But you leave SVU out of it.

Remember, it’s always the parents’ choice. Their freedom to choose is tantamount. The government should never control that important right to the plans you have for your family. Your “family planning,” if you will.

Not to mention that New Orleans effectively no longer has a public school system. Almost every damn school in New Orleanis is part of the charter school scam and is a private school.

Gonna write an op ed called “I Ran the 606 This Morning And Chicago Seems Fine To Me”