
I’m going to make this really simple for her. I work for the government in her neighboring state of West Virginia. When I was hired for this position, I had to sign a dozen or so pieces of paper that regulate my conduct while I’m acting as a state official. For instance: I can’t have a political bumper sticker on my

I’ve taken to shipping my parents my “luggage” before a flight, it’s really just a medium sized box that my clothes and shoes go into then I pack a small carry on. They’re gonna charge me just as much, if not more, to take it with me on the plane and at least with FedEx I can track the package. I give it to a baggage

They gave it to us JUST long enough to get used to it being there, and then ripped it away. NOT COOL, Y’ALL.

(Repost cause this is important):

My life has improved so much since leaving my abusive ex and I just have to share the awesome developments lately. I spent months thinking I’d never be OK with sex again, but I recently started a fwb arrangement with a friend of mine and it’s awesome. I went to a show he played the other night and we made out like a

What’s this about the sanctity of marriage?

No, the one good thing about waist trainers was realizing my 9 year old has been listening to me when a commercial came on for them during Little House On The Prairie. Her exact quote was, “I bet there isn’t something like this for men.”

she has books! on a shelf! looks like a law library! who knew?

I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.

Their official statement is they will allow girls to sit on the bench? Like its some big favor they are giving?

That’s just cruel. He’s not asking for benefits, is he? Just an amendment to a certificate before he dies.But even if there were benefits involved, still incredibly cruel.

I need to keep “an emergency picnic basket” in trunk.

Two hours, hmmm? That’s enough time for a couple episodes of True Detective,


Is Netflix hiring?

They actually have maternity leave? That alone puts them far above my company!

If Bernie is the nominee, he will probably win simply because the Republicans are all so radical they won’t carry any but the most conservative states. If he were running as an independent and became a spoiler that would be a problem, but he knows how things went down in 2000 and says he won’t do that.

You may take my glitter gel, you may rob me of my Gigapet or my Nano baby, my Orbitz which I was never sure if it was water or soda. You can strip me of my copy of Titanic on two VHS tapes. You can cancel Are You Afraid of the Dark and My So Called Life but my will take my flannel shirts from my cold dead hands!

I still remember the feeling of pure awe I got when I watched that show as it aired. Those were simpler times.

And limits on what kinds of guns you can buy, how many you can buy, waiting periods, mandatory registries, required reporting to doctors, limits on clip size, registry for ammo purchases...basically, I want it to be very onerous and expensive to own a gun.