

I like the show but I hate her kids. I can see how they became so selfish because of the way they were raised. They still annoy me sometimes.

It was surprisingly funny and charming, actually. I loved the relationship between Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen. (I can’t believe I just typed that.)

Aw, honey. Being sick on a plane is miserable enough; I can’t even imagine going through it with a baby. And seriously, if a nursing mother’s boob is the worst thing these people have seen, they have lived very, very sheltered lives.

Feet. It is always feet for me. I would rather see blood, guts, vomit, brain ooze falling out of someone’s ear... Feet are THE WORST. I fly economy class a lot, and it is awful for the most part (for various reasons). But I still vividly remember my first upgrade-to-first-class experience. I was so excited.

Last time I flew a lady changed her baby on the tray table. Stood in the aisle of the plane and changed its diaper there for all to enjoy. (The baby also cried the entire 3 1/2 hr flight, but that’s another story). I know the airplane bathrooms are tiny, but no smaller than the general area each of us is assigned as a

It was a little too tired and sitcom-y for my tastes but it made me fear old age a lot less. Its great to see the 60+ peeps portrayed as still being able to have active and fullfilling lives/fun/sex/relationships/hobbies/shenanigans.

My mom definitely was naked around me and would occasionally take baths with me. But it was always very clear that this was okay because she was my Mom and that it wasn’t something that was for everyone. It also wasn’t like a “naked house” situation. It’s not like she was nude all the time. But if she was going to

She was a pediatrician and had always wanted to actually go on assignment but her (abusive, jerk) surgeon husband would never let her. SO she divorced him, took a hefty part of his money, and turned around and donated it to MSF. She was FUCKING BALLER.

I am fiercely pro-choice, and for sexual education, and for education on birth control, precisely because of articles like this. It’s heart breaking and tragic and people that rant about the horribleness of those things have simply no idea what it is like in areas where there is no maternal care, gynecological care,

I’m applying to grad school (MSW) and taking French in the Fall. 2 things they need. For now, they get some of my money. In the future, I hope they’ll have me.

You must not live in Chicago. I can sympathize with these people. It’s easy for a storm to hit and you realized you forgot to plan ahead. It sounds like our narrator was being patient (not sure if she planned to tip well) and three blocks is not a far distance, even in our worse blizzards. Yes, the narrator could’ve

Ruby Rose is duller than a butter knife. I mean, yeah, she is gorgeous as all fuck, but she should really stay away from acting. Girl made Taylor Schilling look like Meryl Streep.

Is this shit still on? I stopped watching shortly after the episode that clip came from. More importantly, anyone heard about Vivi Anne?

My Child My Choice!

Isn’t it good enough to have the president say, “I would if I could”? I mean, the Medal doesn’t confer any special status on him, or give him 10% off at Red Lobster or anything. Once the President says out loud you don’t deserve it (and then pretty strongly condemns you immediately afterwards) it’s not like looking at

I’m torn between my irresistible love for cute animal babies and my disgust for aquariums that breed dolphins for entertainment.

It doesn’t matter the color of the artist, if the family is opposed to it, it shouldn’t be done.

I just think all the hoopla over her SAFETY was ridiculous. Be annoyed, but that’s a dumb reason.