
I disagree. I think this is the best thing ever. She knew Cosby personally and it’s hard when you think you know someone to assume that other people talking about him is truth.

the biggest logical leap i have ever heard is that to fix failing public schools, you take away all of their funding. SEEMS LEGIT MAKES SENSE ELECT ME PRESIDENT

It was “blah” b/c it involved Piper. *fart noise*

Did anyone else think her part on OITNB was kind of...blah? I was all jazzed about her and looking forward to her storyline and was disappointed.

In Dubai I see my middle school girls students reading Malala’s biography all the time. This is their hero. This is the girl that took a bullet to the head that she didn’t have to when she stood up on that bus and said, “I am Malala, who is asking?” to the cowards who came to kill her. She stood up, at 15 years

They should serve time first. They are adults, not little kids. At 19 you shouldn't need parental supervision in order to not assault. They committed a horrible crime and they should all get a stiff sentence before being deported.

They need therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.

I don’t care how much loneliness they suffer. They are monsters for doing that. They need to be sent home, never to return to the States.

Funny thing is that I would be willing to pay a little extra for clothing that is well-made. Considering the (lack of) quality of their full priced line, I doubt I would ever buy from their budget one.

Come sit by me. This is bullshit. She *never* wanted this to see the light of day.

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

That was perhaps the most endearing thing a member of the Jendashian clan has done on social media in a long time. I was born female and I still suck at painting my nails (and keeping them from getting messed up until they dry).

Ugh. Are there ANY long-term Hollywood couples to root for anymore?

“Need to hold a seance so I can ask my grandma some questions about our family medical history”~~~ Dun(with), Lena. Gee, I’d like to ask mine about surviving the Nazis. Coming to the US in steerage. Learning English. Supporting her family as a seamstress (ok, that part might be boring) And about 1,000 other things

And aren’t they technically still practicing their religion even while issuing marriage licenses to gay people? If their religion says gay marriage is wrong (or whatever other words they want to put in their god’s mouth), they’re still safe because they aren’t entering into a gay marriage themselves.

Or get fired. How about they fire her. I like the firing her option.

I would love to see a strong black woman in the Oval Office

The amount of the public still supporting him is substantial. His celebrity pals ought to be fucking ashamed. Whoopi Goldberg’s flippant joke about qualude use in the 80’s should have gotten her fired. They all knew this was going on, all of them. They are moral cowards.

I only really believe in Lena Dunham when it’s convenient.

Does it count if you go sit in front of a nearby body of water with a 6-pack and chill together? Because I plan to moon it up like that. $7.99 + gas.