
I’m gonna vote for you Hillary Clinton, but I’m only gonna do it for the same reason I’m getting a colonoscopy next week. Because I have too, and if I don’t, I might unexpectedly die in the next few years.

hermione took harry to the forest of dean while hunting horoxruxes in the last book. this is where snape helped harry find the sword of gryffindor and ron returned to help them.

I feel like cookie dough is objectively more delicious than cookies. I don’t even feel like this statement is an opinion. Like, cookies are weird and dumb and frequently gross, crumbly pieces of shit (and even at best, they’re just tolerable), while cookie dough is an extension of the joy of the universe.

I want to hear the rest of the much did we save not enforcing pot laws, encarceration, court costs, etc...I’m guessing the 62 million might be on the low side.

Please tell me they at least made the reviews sound like something Stefan would write. It seems like a waste to just make a regular review.



It’s always fun getting away from camp, even if it’s only for an hour!

not sure if this will work since kinja’s being kinja today.

I didn’t want kids at my wedding but my now husband gave me a heartbroken look when I said that so I pivoted and not only welcomed kids but hired two sitters to watch the kids and we even had a playground at our venue and reminded parents to bring a change of clothes for their kids. If kids are guests every effort

Okay, that whole backstory and episode made me break down sobbing. Ugh.

I hope you’ll keep reading my posts on I thee Dread because this is ZZZAACCTTLLYY what I want to address with my wedding planning column! (also you summed it up in such a concise way maybe you should be writing it...)

My feelings toward her started to soften with Caitlyn Jenner and with the people who listen to NPR having a mental breakdown when she appeared on their show. Come on, she’s not punching kittens.


This is great. There’s so much shaming now about wanting to have a “nice” (whatever it means to you) wedding. Humblebrags from brides who held a bouquet of organic lentils in the courthouse and couples who chose to buy a house/go travelling instead, or those who spent $5000 on their wedding in 1970 with zero

I’m praying that the Photoshop gods are at work here because otherwise, FML

her tits are fake, right?!?! pls!?!?!

I haven’t flown in well over a decade - I get nauseated just driving past the airport - but charging extra for something that seems to be an essential part of the service they are providing is absurd. I would love to do some travelling but until a proper floo system is installed, I find a pari of vanishing cabinets,

Laura Prepon was cute until I found out she was stupid.

I feel like people should make a bigger deal about amy poehler being one of the most important figures in recent comedy history. EVERYBODY FUNNY TODAY is a product of UCB. And she (along with the Matts and Ian) started it! That’s a huge f’ing deal.