
For me, the idea that you're too broke to claim a relative's remains is a hell of a lot worse than dying alone. That's probably kicked off a few cases of depression.

I'm confused. What was the state of your oversized sunglasses and shopping bags?

And her clothes are ill fitting, her hair looks barely brushed and what I can see of her face she doesn't look happy. I'm team Uncle Poodle for custody.

Oh. Gosh. :(

Please ask your friend to give him a hug from this internet stranger. This is absolutely heartbreaking.

I am deeply disappointed this isn't a real reunion. However, Dawson's creek kinda ruined it for us all when they killed off Jenn.

I need No-Red guy to go on a date with Allergic-to-Crunchy woman.


I like my gratuity grilled until it's tender. Please remember that for next time.

Absolutely. Then again, one of the nicest nights of my life was sitting outside of Preservation Hall in New Orleans and drinking an alcoholic slushee while listening to the PH Jazz Band playing inside on a nice June night.

I will gladly swap 9/10 of the violence that network tv shows for just straight up full frontal on network tv. Because only one of those things makes my life feel shittier after I watch it, and it's never sex.

I'm not sure about the price, but you have to type in the surge multiplier to confirm you're aware of it. So she knew that it was going to be 9x the normal rate.

I had a two day migraine....took my meds and did everything and it wouldn't relent. I had gotten past the puking stage(btw sprite and popsicles are the best - they come up sweet and fizzy!) and was craving potatoes. I had hash browns with lots of salt and my migraine went away.Plain Lays chips also seem to help,

Could be just one of those silly internet memes, but I saw one that said putting your feet in ice water helps. I'm so sorry you're in pain. That's one of my biggest fears, that I'll develop some chronic pain condition because I'm such a whimp. Hang in there, hope you are well soon.

This is kind of a matter of questionable parenting choices to me. There's nothing inherently wrong with the dancing or video or costumes, but the mature tone means you should probably reserve this kind of thing for older teens and adults. Even the costumes don't bug me as much as the super heavy makeup. I know lots of

I don't blame her. I honestly don't know if I could end my own life. Each day is so precious.

I got married in Ireland. We were there for a month before I got married. What diet? I think all the pints just gave me a glow. And JOLIE. When is your cleaning column coming back? I miss it like crazy.

Has everybody seen this already?

I would love it if someone could come to my house and touch up my hair every morning...while I was still sleeping. Can someone make that happen?

Seconding volatile molotov that it's an awesome idea to call that line, they WANT YOU TO CALL, it will never bug them. I have also heard really good things from a friend dealing with what you are dealing with- about, it's this new-ish suicide prevention website. Why not both? If you lose password,