
Are you doing interval training? I go up and down with my weight all the time depending on my current mental state, and when I'm on the down swing, I find the only thing that helps (along with changing my diet) is interval training like Beachbody Insanity or Focus T25. I'm also a big Shawn T fan, if you haven't

I would totally buy the lower-cut version. I'm guessing they wouldn't sag at the knees or butt after you wear them more than once, which is what I really look for in a more expensive jean.

I know who we should REALLY ask about this...

I handle all the fixes around the house because getting my husband to do it is like pulling teeth. So somehow I end up fixing the faucets and hanging the pictures and building the IKEA furniture. I'm also more techy than him, so I fix all computer and Internet related things. On the one hand, I'm proud that I'm so


I was like you, I was in grad school before Facebook was really a thing, and I didn't myspace.

Wake me up when Big Ang writes a sexy book.

***she's a woman

If you're a woman who's feisty, she must be a sell-out bitch AMIRITE

"The Bidens" is a reality show that needs to happen.

I grew up in Northern Michigan where it was more or less a polar vortex all the time, and the dressing in spring clothes when it's still 40 degrees out isn't optimistic; you're dressing like that because those temperatures actually DO feel warm to you after what you've been through all winter!

Every time I read the words "forcible rape"

In other Grey's relationships: Avery and April might be saving the whole show with their love.

Is a daily recap of the previous night's Fallon Show now part of Jezebel's repertoire?

Has anyone else been watching True Detective? I caught up today and I am DYING for the next episode! Matthew McConaughey is just phenomenal (and Woody Harrellson is great too).

She can be as evil and she's wants to be, because she is fucking fantastic. Every time I am carrying an iced coffee I try to channel a little MLP as nancy botwin and give someone a wide eyed stare down.

He was mad. He was say-super-sexist-shit mad.

I don't know who this Seth guy is. That's Dave Rygalski. If Lane Kim hadn't married Terry Bellefleur, I'd be heartbroken for her.