
Not sure whether Fecal Coliforms is going to be my fantasy team’s name or my punk band’s name.

i don’t love that it’s happening, but i think that it is going to be very interesting in how they are going to re-define the car as we currently know it.

I lived in Waco for two years and just moved away. I don’t know Chip and Joanna but we did look at a house that ended up on the show and our vet was on season 1. Anywhoo, I will say they probably seem like super serious Christians for anyone who lives outside a Baptist stronghold but they are very typical for Texas.

He looks like one of those guys who screws like he’s doing the most, but he’s okay, but not the greatest. But he’s nice, so you let him finish, and he turns and smiles at you. And you smile back. And you know you won’t completely cut him off, you’ll text him back because he loves pleasing you and your areas and his

So he gets a year suspension, then a four-game suspension, then he comes back and plays for the Browns. What happens after that third punishment?

·Frankly, fuck my team too.

This is what our divided nation needs to bring us together. We can all agree on one thing: fuck everyone else’s team.

White Sox clubhouse is offering a half off sale on throwbacks!

Now, THIS is a type of message you save the comic sans font for!

Bigger batteries, recharging to only 80%, and faster recharging will reduce recharge times to like 10-15 minutes. Which is in line with a typical stop at a gas station now.

Yes but many people aren’t doing long trips on a frequent basis, and many families have more than one car, one of them often being a dedicated commuter.


I have daughters and can tell old white men to tell young black men to win games. I can also tell old white people to fuck off and let me do my job.

I’m pissed off now, Jobu. Look, I go to you. I stick up for you. You no help me now. I say “Fuck you Jobu”, I do it myself.

That’s a hefty contract. I guess there was no way the Bronco’s were gonna get Miller lite.
I guess now that he’s getting all the money he’ll be living the Miller High Life.
I guess this was a real Miller Genuine Draft 64 Lemonade???

Maybe I shouldn’t have tried for a third one.

“in the face of athletes putting stupid things on social media”

God damn I miss marching band.

That’s my advice too. I’m in my mid 30's and have never had a credit card. Not having a credit card hasn’t hurt me in any way as far as I can tell.

Best tip for getting your first credit card as an adult: DON’T

If they (millennial sportswriters) had a clue it would be "The War On Drugs".