
I agree with you. I unlike a lot of people actually love Peter. I'm a huge Pally fan because of Happy Endings. At the same time, I don't like how they're using Peter all the time and pushing Jeremy into the background. I agree that Jeremy could have pulled off these stories too, even though it would be a different

I agree with you guys. Great ep but, these moments were off putting for me too.

I agree. That bugged me as well and took me out of the scene too.

IMO Tamra is "token" and ridiculously stereotypical. I don't find her more than I expected at all.

I like Morgan/Peter and Morgan/Peter/Cliff. It does bug me that Peter has basically pushed Jeremy out though.

Yes she used the nickname in that episode and I"m pretty sure it was BJ Novak (Ryan-The Office) who came up with the name.

I completely agree with you.

Ok I enjoyed your review of LA and your other reviews. I had a hard time even finishing the article when I read B next to the Dandy kiss. There is no way that kiss should be any less than an A. The cheek caress, Mindy's nod, the butt grab which was also a nod to "Danny's Friend". Come on!!!!!