
I gave out a bonus point each time someone corrected my spelling, which is admittedly terrifyingly bad, and hopefully proved by example that perfection wasn’t the point of writing, effectively advocating for one’s own ideas is. Also, Hawthorne himself didn’t even spell it Hawthorne until he graduated college, so I’m

Plagiarism is not okay!

I do like how everyone shits on Harry Potter now because of Rowling being trash, while needing to express that they never liked Harry Potter.

FUCK OFF. I am so tired of this whiny sentiment.

Just wait until we get a Biden administration and a Dem majority in both houses of Congress and.....nothing really changes.

I 100% understand you! I once went hungover to the DMV to renew my license after being out the night before and I brought my folding lawn chair and people HATED ME WITH THEIR EYES and I did not give a single fuck. I was comfortable! I would never ever knowingly enter into a long line situation without a a light and

Yeah but women laughing at men gets us killed, etc. Men lol’ing at other men is different.

On Monday, actor Jason Momoa, who plays Aquaman in DC’s comic book franchise, wrote on Instagram: “THIS SHIT HAS TO STOP AND NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT @ray8fisher AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO EXPERIENCED WHAT HAPPEN UNDER THE WATCH OF @wbpictures NEEDS PROPER INVESTIGATION.”

I think the issue is that it’s two white guys reimagining one of the most important issues in our country’s shared racial history. It would be the same if weiss and benihoff had helmed Ms. America. We need to start letting non white males tell their own stories. 

Having finally just finished the five books of GOT, I dislike these two heartily as well. I watched Season 1 of GOT before I read any of the books and just had to stop there because it was so sleazy and sexist; boobs and rape everywhere. Now, the books have their sexist moments, but by and large rape is what the bad

My “first glance” assessment was the opposite of yours and apparently many others. I’ve studied the image to see why and can’t put my finger on it, other than the word “silly.”

Don’t forget when liberals were putting their trust in generals and the intelligence community while conservatives were discovering their love for Russia and North Korea.

They’re conservatives for the most part. So they get their news from Fox and conservative talk radio. Those news sources have them earnestly believing that the majority of the country is on their side about beating the shit out of protesters. In reality, probably two thirds of the country is disgusted with the way the

It said, very loud and clear, fuck y’all we are cops.