Alexa D

Tell me about it. I would have gotten old ass Reagan or Bush Sr., and I wouldn't want either one doing this adorable shit with me.

That doesn’t really follow. Virtually nobody finds acne attractive, and yet tons of people still get it - the fact that something is reproductively advantageous doesn’t automatically mean that natural selection will meaningfully change population demographics. All sorts of variables come into play.

Not to mention, for

From what I’ve learned from being in a relationship with a man that farts probably 10,000x more than the average human being, men were not taught how to make their farts silent. I understand we’re humans and gasses emit out of our bodies, but for the love of god, just make it silent. So, I asked my boyfriend if he

She sounds like an awful miserable bitch.

I’ve had what I’ll just refer to delicately as “more than my fair share” of men and I can say unequivocally that more of them have been bad/meh at it than truly good. I’ve gone over grocery lists in my head, checked my nails behind his neck, all kinds of foolishness, but I’ve gotta hand it to you boys: The good ones

Well, the problem often is that high schoolers start school earlier so they can get out the earliest and be home before the elementary and middle school lets out. That’s the main reason the high school in the school district my husband works at starts at 7:30; students have to get home to watch the younger kids. The


so true. they want you to be innately good at fucking. they don’t want to walk you through it, and they don’t want you to show them how to do anything either because they think THEY are innately good at it. wtf. sex education in the US needs to be actual EDUCATION about SEXIN

Cry me the fuckin river Thames. Here’s a novel idea to all you weak, soft, nauseous parents out there: Take away your little brat’s I-phone, television, computer, potato chips and donuts, and send their asses to bed, um, let’s say, 27 minutes earlier. Also, make them exercise. Make them, as in, you are their goddamn

Men are never happy. They want a woman who is good at sex but don’t want you to practice.

I spoke with former video model-cum-Confessions of a Video Vixen

A) The covers aren’t nearly as racy as they were during the Scavullo years;

They weren’t doing anything with it period. The governments of Sudan and Egypt gave him permission.

Luckily I promise you that no one in the world gives two fucks what you think about anything.

That isn’t exactly true. The US won’t recognize your foreign citizenship, but you can hold dual citizenship as long as the other country is still willing to recognize that passport. My ex-GF has both a US and Swedish passport.

Yep, and Americans have to revoke their citizenship if they take another citizenship. Becoming a king surely qualifies.

Those savages natives locals weren’t even doing anything cool with the land! Obviously he deserves to have it, he’s going to grow shit in the desert.

I’m not particularly worried then. What it reminds people of shouldn’t be a consideration if you aren’t planning on doing anything like that. For instance, I like bonfires. Bonfires may remind people of book burning, house fires, burning crosses, or burning monks. Since I take precautions not to cause the accidents,

Those are the breaks. You want a state, you need to be able to defend it. I would recommend attacking before it get recognized by the UN. That way, there isn’t anyone to bitch to. Or if it becomes recognized by the UN, ally yourself with a security council member. That way, they won’t do anything about it.

Colonization is so cute.