
katy perry made a knockoff song. Same sound same concept.

THIS and a thousand times this

Everyone looks pretty. I am concerned for tocarra. Beautiful features but she looked like she was up all night sobbing. Sending positive energy your way woman.

Um does anyomne else think think the people who immediately think that homosexuality will lead to pedophilia and bestiality are secretly into sex with baby animals. Ahm jus sayin'

"I'm sorry there's not a standard white racial epithet, but 'country-fried cowboy' seems like a pretty racial definer." Ha!

you're right

I feel that this sentiment sounds lovely but it generally comes from people who get to be thought of and and treated like human beings. The actions, habits and ideas of Kid Rock doesn't inform anyone of any white male of his age and general shape. The action and habits of Rhianna prompted a magazine to refer to her as


slow clap

booooooooooo! you are boring

There is a gallup prance. Its s all now you cameltoe, now you don't. She also says "Better to be punching into space than in your face." 3:41. I am forever changed.

lies. I remember everything. I remember my crib as a daybed. I remember not being able to write and the smell of my mother purse as I fished out a pen to doodle with and pretend to write. I remember my gingham dress and white shoes on my fourth birthday. I remember sitting in a high chair and spilling spagetti on my

You are kind.

No. I can't even imagine. I wont say because it makes me sad/embarrassed.

Not skee-lo but still horrid. A minor hit but significant to the hip-hopperatti.

I too slept with someone so gross and self absorbed that I want to barf when I recall it. More of a I hear where coming from really.


Rappers over 35 who havent had a hit record since 19. Sweet Baby Jesus what was I thinking?!