tangent warning. I have always thought scarlett and alicia keys were separated at birth
tangent warning. I have always thought scarlett and alicia keys were separated at birth
I will just leave this here
Sweet lady kisses perhaps? They're kind of awesome.
Bwahahahahahahahahah your candidate lost. Ahem
evidence of a crime + admission of crime = criminal to be prosecuted
I was Scooby-Doo at 5. No regrets!
One big binder full of bad bitches
1. tylenol and hour before and 2 hours in.
you could have said "well I make it my business to treat the women I am around with respect and I vote for/ am active in human right causes that serve woman because I care about people. I think it sucks that it aint as easy for you..." because you know that anger really wasn't about you right? I read your comment and…
I will just leave this here