
Your arguments are SO disingenuous.

Good, I don’t got a twitter.

You mean like the $1 Billion in assets, or $100 Million in capital gains in three consecutive years threshold that’s in the bill? Something like that? So this bill would only impact 700 people in the entire country and not come even remotely close to affecting any non-Musk/non-Bezos or their ilk?

You mean to tell me that this Pedoguy doesn’t want to pay taxes?

This is a bummer. I would much rather have.GT350 than a GT500. Though, like a true Jalop, as much as I love the GT350, I never bought one.

I feel like the average skill level for drivers, including just paying attention, has declined since the advent of the cell phone and of the “connected” car. There have always been distractions; one terrible incident in California involved a young girl who was reaching down to pick up a cassette (this was of course 20-

i love this kind of open world - honestly the ‘aggressively helpful’ style of ubisoft’s open world games after far cry 2 has turned me off and i can’t even get into them... it’s all too predictable, really.