Matthew Short

So excited for this, I hope they expand it by opening up the broken gate in the hub world.

But what socialist society will we model our new society after? Nazi Germany or maybe Soviet Russia?

It has been 7 years since we lost the double down sandwich and people are still pushing misinformation about it. The double down sandwich contained only 540 calories which is less than a turkey sub with no toppings at subway. I loved that double down sandwich and it was lost to the world because of people shaming

Though that is kind of like saying if one was to get into an online game a year after it came out then the people who had been playing for a year would already have a bunch of cool stuff.

Oh Fuck this kid, Meth is the most debilitating and terrible drug on the market. I have lost family and friends to it and I could care less about the life of part of that supply chain

It’s kinda sad how racist the Japanese are. If you think it’s bad in America than spend some time in Japan, the land where you will be flat out refused service based on your color.

I’m really torn on this because the scariest videogame experience I have been through was playing PT. however that wasn’t a full fledged game, and the second scariest videogame experience I have ever experienced is dead space. I honestly think that if a game pushes you to do things that you do not want to do (be it

I’m not sure about these locations but in okinawa there is no such thing as a public trash can, and there are vending machines just about every block. No excuse for this behavior but it sucks when no parks have locations to even take your trash

Over at the Umbrella headquarters

Sucks having a terrible name, but you can’t blame sony. I’m sure they would have done the same thing if someone named their kid Hitler or Dego or anything else offensive, like a certain word that may start with N. That said it definitely shouldn’t have taken a public outing to have Sony offer to change the account name