
I thought she had a pretty good group to choose from. Even if the candidates were bad, she’s the one who decided in advance that she was definitely going to engage one of them, so...not exactly their bad on that one.

Nothing screams ‘living your best life’ like attempting to sabotage someone else’s opportunity

Instead of being annoyed with the finale, I will just look at this picture of the happy couple that I actually care about.

The look on Peter’s face when Rachel said that she and Bryan will have time to have their relationship grow while they are engaged was a all time great moment, definitely didn’t help people who were saying that Rachel wasn’t doing this just to get a ring.

“Go find someone to have a mediocre life with.”is the sentence I will use in all future breakups from now on.

she chose a ring over someone she could have had a real adult relationship with.

Probably not as scandalous as we all want to believe, the male is probably the partner of a female he infected.

Maybe...and this might be crazy, they were friends lol.

Let’s hope Kara can humanize Zoey, a rather shallow self absorbed character just a hope skip and a jump away from being a mean girl.

I think that’s EXACTLY why this needs to be explored.

“Had there been people of color in the room, someone could have said, ‘you know guys, I don’t think this is going to fly,’”

Why can’t she pull a Shawn and Kaitlyn? They’re “engaged,” but it’s pretty clear they’re taking their time and just dating seriously before rushing into things. I kind of expected Rachel to be...I don’t know, more reasonable about this kind of thing?

I like Rachel but so bored by this season right now. Also I do not like Bryan, do not trust him. Peter has my heart.

And I am here for adult Roger, too!

I think Peter is really cute and actually seems like not a total dumbass.

Oooh I think it’s completely obvious she’s picking Peter! We’ll see...

Does this make you feel better? Make you feel righteous? The man is dead.

Also, he’s 48 and she’s 47. By that time, I’m thinking things may move a bit faster, because you’re going to know what you like and what you can handle and who you are and how to read people - all the things that you don’t know so much when you’re younger, so you need to take things more slowly. The older you are,

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.