
Okay, I am a little shocked at the number of comments about how Fu Yuanhei should have used hormonal birth control to skip her period for Rio. Lady is an elite athlete who no doubt has tracked her fitness relative to nutrition, medications, rest, etc. for years. Shouldn't we give her the benefit of assuming she knows

How long does it take to get a travel visa to go to Brazil for a two month old baby? Asking for a friend.

Yeah the problem is that if MSU created a “mens study” space and literally prevented women from stepping foot in it, you best believe it would be a Title IX violation. So how is this not a violation of that very specific law?

My boyfriend only has cargo shorts... and I mean, I’m not swooned by them or anything, but I couldn’t care less. If he loves them... who am I to judge? I wouldn’t like it if he forced me to stop wearing a whole bunch of my wardrobe, so I’m not doing the same. I don’t want to sound judgy, people can hate cargo shorts

Ok honest question... what other types of shorts are out there for men? Am I supposed to be offended by men who wear cargo shorts? Are they juvenile? I’m just not getting this.

I think entering with the key is going to be the main turning point of this story, legality-wise. But I can’t imagine what makes such a young woman willing to face down cops at the barrel of a gun all day (and to her death) over a traffic stop warrant that she could probably serve out over a weekend. It feels so

I lived in Waco for two years and just moved away. I don’t know Chip and Joanna but we did look at a house that ended up on the show and our vet was on season 1. Anywhoo, I will say they probably seem like super serious Christians for anyone who lives outside a Baptist stronghold but they are very typical for Texas.

The anti-Hillary tweet indeed sounds very infantile, poorly-thought out and just generally dumb. BUT —- how exactly is making fun of someone’s laugh “sexist”? Particularly if that someone is a high-profile politician? I’m asking out of geniune curiousity, not a troll-quest.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

Looks like she started the Seig Heil, then somebody in her earpiece monitor said “GODDAMNIT LAURA BEND YOUR ELBOW, NOW IS NOT THE TIME”.

I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?

Yeah I’m actually floored that people hate her so much. If I was 25 and a multi-millionaire I’d be all over the hottest dudes and throwing the best parties for my squad. Every celebrity in pop culture is carefully crafted and cultivated. Jennifer Lawrence gets away with it because her image is crafted to be “just like

He's attracted to her and wants to fuck her, this is not confusing.

I think he was just poking fun at the 140 character limit on Twitter, which makes difficult to finish a full, deep thought on a serious matter...

I think that has more to do with him getting a lot of praise at the festival circuit and then it died down once the festivals were done. Being accused of rape usually doesn’t matter much if you’re a filmmaker.

i guess i just don’t understand why people who never gave a fuck about musical theater before are all of a sudden wetting themselves over this production. is the quality so much higher than other musicals? is it just a lot of white people really wanting to convince other people they’re super woke? it’s not just a

Ugh. It is noones business what you and your partner decided worked best and was comfortable physically and I’m personally offended that people are giving you crap about it!

Right, I’m not suggesting that Colbert is a villain — far from it, he seems to have taken her seriously, used the decision making moment as a way to reflect and make a good decision about his and her future together. There’s just no reason to paint her as a bad guy (there doesn’t have to be a bad guy!), and I’d expect

Sure, it’s a throwaway comment, but I see a lot of people being like “lol ultimatums” in the comments, and I think that can be a bit of an unthinking kneejerk response that is especially unfair to women. There is a lot of socialization that pushes us to roll our eyes or demonize women who want to get married and push

Internet Woman Shits All Over Famous-ish Person Using Her Resources to Actually Help People, And Though She Might Be Blind to the Ways Her Privilege Shapes Her Perspective, It’s Still Far More Than Internet Woman Will Do