
which also included a side of mansplaining NYPD officer

I’ve wanted to run away but I didn’t. I was able to get over what I needed to get over.

Ooh boy.

which also included a side of mansplaining NYPD officer, because of course:

Yeah, but she’s basically saying that only women are qualified to have an opnion on Beyoncé, and that’s BS. I mean, is anyone else bored of yet another article criticising someone’s take on something because they’re male and/or het and/or cis and/or white - basically the wrong identity? Not everyone who doesn’t get

My goodness Jezebel, I have been reading you in support for many years but fuck—its a bit exhausting to hear a loud and cynical cackle that is a headline like this. Can we not acknowledge that people are involved with their own evolution in a way that should be accepted and received in at the very least, applause by

Between this and the math post I am so happy for her. A love of learning is always rewarding, no matter what else comes your way.

Listen, I’m not defending Larry.

People aren't missing the point, they're saying the point is stupid. Which it is.

Didn’t read the Times article, but ugh. Just do your own thing for your wedding. If your identity is so wrapped up in labels that your wedding has to be ‘southern’, ‘feminist’, ‘bo-ho’, ‘natural’ etc with a label, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I could look back at my wedding and say my husband and I made

You may hate on CBS, but don’t hate on Elementary and Lucy Liu!’

I love Elementary.

Elementary is great and Lucy Liu is a goddess.

Shut up, Elementary is amazing and so much better than Sherlock.

I want to be mad about this but I can’t. I’m glad it’s dead. They took Nancy Drew and just made it into another soulless police procedural. As if TV needs more of those. It striped away everything that made Nancy Drew unique. I’d love a Nancy Drew TV show, but not like this.

Apparently, we oscillate back and forth. After Prince’s death, we are back to being cold to the Kardashians (as it should be), but “we” had been trying to paint Kimmy as a feminist, body poz icon before that (lolz). For Meghan Trainor, we were on her team with Photoshopping but now her dancing sucks, so she’s awful

Wait... do we hate her? I’m losing track of who we think is bey and who we think is non-fleek.

I mean, he also has a family and is busy with a farm probably other endless work stuff... at some point I get tired of holding everyone accountable for other people’s behavior just because they don’t feel it is their job to publicly condemn every person who has done something awful. Like, can he just be Jon Stewart at

but you wouldn’t know that from asking him—as he hasn’t said a word to reporters since the incident occurred.

Wait, I thought the ‘Lemonade’ girl was the official GOAT, or was it the ‘Queen’, or some other superfluous superlative you automatically get awarded for being a WOC in the entertainment industry around here these days?