
A lot of casting people use the same people over and over because the actors they find have proven track records and they don’t have to keep finding new ones. Also, behind the scenes crew can get stuck doing the same types of projects over and over. So, my guess, is that some smart casting director knows this talented

Ugh....please, please, don’t start.

What makes them silly, and who is the arbiter of what beliefs are worthy of respect? There’s no good way to make that distinction, so other than bodily harm and infringements on the natural rights of others, I can’t say that what anybody believes is silly. An argument could be made for all religious beliefs.

I’m from Wisconsin so I’ve been in a car that hit a patch of ice, spun around and then stopped without me doing anything and ended with me facing the right direction. It was super scary. She might be slightly exaggerating in her memory but it’s not impossible that the event took place more or less as she told it.

I was just about to post something similar. They had a really scary experience, and believe God protected them. It may sound silly to people who don’t believe in God, but making fun of her for it seems a little mean. In this particular instance she wasn’t using God to justify some backwards political belief (which by

So, of everything being thrown to the crowd in the Ben Carson Bullshit Parade, I think this is the least egregious.

The objectives of celebrating an International Men’s Day include focusing on men’s and boys’ health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models. Oh noes not that, anything but a holiday that takes its tradition from the Soviet defenders of te fatherland day ( the

If you spent most of your life away from your family because you travel for your job, you would be pissed if one of the main perks of that situation was lessened/taken from you after already being incurred.

I have a lot of sympathy for Dean Halloway. you don’t get to be one of a very few Black men with a PhD from Yale, get tenure, and get a prestigious job as Dean by being the kind of person who breaks down emotionally in public. I’m sure he feels sympathy for students. He’s in a better position than anyone to know how

Thanks for this. Most colleges are trying to hire more faculty of color, but there have to be more faculty of color (and women and people of other marginalized groups) in the pipeline for them to hire. I was on a search committee a few years back—we got 130 applications and 125 of them were from white males.


I was also struck by this. Somehow if the administration and faculty don’t show visible emotion in a professional context they lack empathy or the ability to listen and consider what they’re hearing? I’m sure I’ll get slammed in the comments for this, but this sounded like a breach of decorum on the part of the

Not to minimize the hurt these students felt, which I believe is genuine, but some understanding of a university’s dynamics helps explain some of the gap.

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

America’s shittiest governors? Sure. Shittiest state governments? Okay. But calling them the shittiest states is absolutely unfair. There are good people in Alabama and Texas working to make their states better and more welcoming, and dismissing an entire state like that is hurtful and counterproductive.

Awww, that’s sweet. I will be spending Thanksgiving alone and am fine with it, but I’m guessing some other people may find it depressing and be glad for a chance to share a meal.

So he didn’t refuse to accommodate student’s safety? He just said he’d hold class (I guess in his mind in defiance of the bullies or whatever) and students were free to come or retake the test later without a penalty. And apparently the University didn’t cancel classes so... I don’t know. This doesn’t seem nearly as

Here is the entire message sent from the professor trying to DO HIS JOB. I guess before long there will be no professors or administrators on campus.

No, it is the same - everyone has the right to say “I don’t enjoy doing this sex act” and not be given shit for it. And if you don’t like the limits your partner sets, then find a new partner!

it IS exhausting which is why this all seems very “Ladi da di being a mom is so fun and breezy let’s all be preggo besties!”