
Why? Because our lives are mundane drudgery and all of us want something, no matter how brief and stupid, that is magical and special to happen to us. No one gets an owl at age 11, no one follows a white rabbit down a hole. We sustain ourselves with fictions because reality is mostly an awful, cold place where you

If she wins tonight like some are predicting, that will be great. But it would be even better if she was winning for a show that was worthy of her.

Stupid question: how is Chelsea Manning tweeting while incarcerated? OR is someone running her twitter acct?

So, person says something dumb, admits fault, tries to rectify it, but we’re all still mad? I mean, I get that insincere nonapologies shouldn’t be accepted, but if someone says something out of ignorance, but is willing to admit fault and be teachable ... what’s ... what’s the issue?

Yes, plenty. Only their competence doesn’t make for click worthy articles. It’s the screw ups that everyone wants to read.

Homeless junkie pees on yogurt shop floor = sad and pathetic, needs help.

Seriously. We have a Jezebel article about a trial in which someone is convicted of sexual assault where:

By your logic, anyone who is straight is inherently homophobic. I imagine you don’t believe that but that is what your statement actually means.

Her initial response to the comment was just fine. I do object that she seems to have chosen to use the man’s real name. The guy’s message was inappropriate, but he didn’t deserve to be publicly shamed. Frankly, I think less of her as a person now than I do him. I am sick of people of all viewpoints believing that

Its too bad this woman’s amazing victory is being framed as Serena Williams’ loss rather than than her (43rd ranked!) win. She seems like a very humble, gracious winner.

Lots of people are upset about this and I get that we are all pulling for Serena, but I’m happy for Vinci all the same. Holy crap! She knocked out the No.1 player in her sport! And at No.43 no one expected she was capable of that most likely.

I love having no period with Depo, but can we PLEASE not shame people who are uncomfortable with IUDs? I don’t like the idea of a bit of plastic floating around in my body. Period. I have been educated and “educated” and preached to and flat-out berated by people simply for not being comfortable with it. That is NOT

She is appropriately awkward. It’s fine. Really. We don’t have to be dramatically put off by every single innocuous appearance she makes.

The whole “shaming” and “problematic” thing is a lot of young people on the web stating an opinion that then goes viral because it’s raw meat that entertains a lot of people or gives them a feeling that their voice is somehow being heard.

I’m going to get crucified here, but those are some pretty serious charges to be leveling so I hope there is some evidence to support it. I have no reason to believe she doesn’t, and if she does, fuck him. But there’s a lot about this story that gives one pause.

I think, given the circumstances, Rosie was justified in releasing the information. Given how trigger-happy the police often are, making sure they knew that Chelsea had a mental illness and was off medications meant that any irrational behavior on Chelsea’s part would be less likely to be seen as a threat.

This is absolutely how I read it too, and I thought she did a really good job in this meeting overall. I think she’s already addressed her approach to basic major issues — income equality, education equality, reinvigorating social services that overwhelmingly help black and poor people, justice system reform, prison

But, BLM hasn’t really defined what they actually want, or what they expect. You can’t really just expect that she can change policing at all levels. Further, not all police shootings are illegitimate, even if the person shot is a young black guy. I firmly believe that police are reflexively violent towards people of

When I watched the video, uncut without commentary, I interpreted her part of the dialogue as “I’m listening to your community’s suggestions as to what to do about our obvious race problem, because I don’t want to be the privileged one dictating to the oppressed group, so please give me your suggestions because I’m

whatever i secretly listen to Ed Sheeran and i like him and now it’s not a secret anymore i feel so free. also i’ve watched his version of trap queen too many times come at me.