
I feel about Will & Grace the way that people here feel about TBBT (and other shows). I watched W&G a few times and never laughed once. Karen and <Will’s friend, whose name I don’t remember> I thought were incredibly annoying and hard to watch. I’m happy people who like it get it back, though.

Without revealing any spoilers....Happy sobs or sad sobs? (I assume happy, but am not positive.)

I think my hatred for her character on “Suits” makes me totally uninterested in her and Harry, where I might otherwise be really interested. Or maybe I’m just jealous.

I just wanted to say how much I appreciated this post! Social media is a huge part of it (and I don’t even think that I spend that much time on FB). I realize that most post their “best lives” on FB, and leave all the mundane, day-to-day stuff out. It’s also b/c I work with a lot of high achievers , so it’s

Without a doubt. I am luckier than a lot of people.

Ha! Thanks! I love(d) “Remington Steele”!

Are you goal oriented? I think I figured out that the reason that I’m frequently jealous of other people’s successes isn’t because I want to be pregnant, get married, write a book, etc., but because I envy their ability to set a goal and then achieve it. I own a house and I have a job. But I don’t really have any

I haven’t watch “the fourth hour” b/c Hoda was gone, but I deliberately didn’t watch this morning. There’s nothing more boring to me than someone talking about themselves, or people fawning all over someone, for a whole hour. (I assume it was the full hour, I didn’t watch.) I like Hoda. She seems like a great,

I love them as a couple. (More than as a husband and wife on “The Americans.”) I love that they’re public enough about their relationship that you just get a little bit, but not so public that you see them everywhere, talking about it all the time.

Let me be that person and say that the way that the title of this post is written makes it sound like Kate is upset that Prince Charles was dancing (“William’s Dad Dancing”). (Technically, to say that, it would be “William’s Dad’s Dancing.) Better - “Kate Middleton is not pleased with Will’s dad-dancing.”

“Trans women are women in the same way cis women are women, in the same way fat women are women or short women are women, or butch women are women. There are a lot of different ways to be a woman, and none is more valid than the other.”

Yes, but they were dating, I think, for at least 10 years before that. So she still could have given birth to kids before that. (And they could always have adopted, despite her age.)

I don’t think that Taylor Hackford and Helen Mirren have kids.

I used to be really interested in this couple, for some reason. But I find them boring. I like him, but don’t really care who he’s dating. Meghan’s character on Suits is boring and Meghan’s blog/lifestyle site/etc is boring (and pretentious). She seems nice enough, though.

Of course she’s going to perform. While she’s not a publicity hound, she certainly loves to create “a moment” when she can. A normal Grammys appearance would be publicity enough, but now....? I’ll be recording the Grammys and watching The Walking Dead anyway.

I hope that Meghan and Harry are more interesting that Rachel and Mike. They are both so boring and whiny on the show. And now that [spoiler], I’m not watching anymore anyway.

I’m so happy about Ruth Negga! I wish Joel Edgerton had gotten nominated. I’m not familiar with him at all, but he was fantastic too.

“Sleepy Hollow” returns tonight. I’m not interested in seeing the Nicole Beharie “replacement,” but I miss seeing Tom Mison/Ichabod. Maybe I’ll just watch for 5 minutes to see him.