
Charlie Rose is still one of the best interviewers on TV.

I’m not a huge fan of MHP. I liked her book a lot, but there was something about her show that turned me off. But it was an incredibly valuable show that offered a perspective rarely heard, if ever. And if she didn’t think that race was behind her pre-emptions, why use racial language in describing how she felt she

I liked Tom Ellis on “Rush,” but haven’t seen this new show. “Rush” also had Larenz Tate!

But to me, this is precisely why Trump is worse. You can’t pin him down on anything, which makes him a difficult target to oppose. Cruz seems clear on his odious beliefs, but at least you know what he believes in. With Trump, I have no idea (except that he’s a bigot and a sexist).

I’ll add “slay.” I am so sick of that word, and not just b/c it seems to be most often (over)used with Beyonce, whom I am also sick of. I hate when news sites use it. I hate when pop culture sites - black and white - use it. Just stop.

I know and understand all that you’ve mentioned. I just don’t see how that’s “unapologetically black.” Or rather, I don’t see how people who don’t do what Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, etc., are doing recently as being not unapologetically black. Gary Clark Jr. is steeped in AA cultural expression, but I haven’t seen

Yes, I’m sure that’s what people mean. But the term only seems to be used with certain “types” of black people.

I don’t think it’s fair to assume what people are thinking from a picture.

Thanks for your response. The problem I have with the term is that it seems, to me, to be prescribing what blackness is, or labelling different types of blackness. Making a hierarchy of blackness.

This is probably a naive question. And as a black person, I think I know what it means, but can someone explain “unapologetic blackness/unapologetically black” (terms I am quickly tiring of). Or rather, can people talk about who is “apologetically black”? (I don’t mean this to be a “Please educate me when it’s not

I’m an African-American female. I don’t need to see people who look like me in order to like a TV show/movie/book/whatever. I love Seinfeld, The Golden Girls, Outlander, for example. And having people who look like me in TV shows/movies/books certainly doesn’t guarantee that I’ll like it. Yet and still, I believe

Yes. I like the idea of Airbnbing, but the fun part of vacation for me is eating out or room service, and returning to where you’re staying every day and finding that it’s clean as new. (Of course, if you’re Beyonce, you’re probably travelling with a staff who is cooking and cleaning for you.)

That’s what I don’t like about most Beyonce performances, including tonight’s. She always seems to be “performing” like it’s her job - I know it’s her job - and not like she’s actually happy to be doing it. I mean, I’m sure she likes performing, but she always seems so robotic and she never looks like she’s enjoying

Bruno Mars was better than Beyonce and Coldplay.

Technically not really diverse ethnicities, though, right? No Asians/Asian-Americans, Hispanics, etc. But it’s definitely more diverse than typical covers.

She was on his show on Monday.

He didn’t at all compare himself to Baldwin, etc. I took him as speaking more aspirationally. He didn’t say he WAS Baldwin (or whoever) but that if he were a writer, that’s the type of writer he’d like to be, or think he’d be. I don’t see why that’s wrong. Also, he’s absolutely different from Jake Tapper and others

Thanks for this response. As a "faculty member of color," I find myself on some occasions talking to students - minorities and others - who want a more diverse faculty at my school (we are definitely not Yale). No doubt there are lots of Ph.D. students/adjuncts of color looking for tenure-track jobs, but that number

I’m not quite seeing how better parental leave policies - which I support - would be the answer here. At some point, unless a parent decides to be a stay-at-home parent at least until the kid is school age, won’t a parent have to rely on daycare/babysitting/etc. where a child’s death is possible (if rare)?

I am in love with all things Elementary, and am anxiously awaiting Nov. 5!