mr Z

We need to deploy as many troops as possible.
Sorry sir we can’t life off because the first in line broke it’s wheels and blocked the runway.
Oh noooo, how will the helicopters even lift off and send our tropps on the front line?!
The idea of a chopper having to taxi that much is retarded. ok, 10-15m, and tha’t

Ferrari and Utility in the same sentence...don’t mix.
Sports Ferrari Vehicle...SFV, yup that’s the correct name

We have the McLaren F1 in the same generation outperforming it from every angle and from autmotive history, now that’s a silly joke.
Hell, we even have the Vector W8

Another whore coming out of the shadows wanting her 15 minutes of fame?!

Well hoopty fucking do.
If you are on a road with the right of way you carry on at legal speeds.
If you are coming from the road that has to give the right of way you fucking give the right of way.
A pillars, B pillars shit pillars.
If you cannot drive/ride, then stay the Fuck at home.
It is not a birth right to drive and

Lockeed are moving slowly while Specex made their reusable rocket and had several deliveries in this last year...
Maybe lockheed should close their greedy doors, because they sure as hell aren’t doing anything in pushing the now we should have had commercial airliners with hybrid tech, but these lazy ass

Class action law suit?!
Really, you can do chekcups from time to time and verify the good order of business and by no means stick your nose in another person’ property.
If they are renting then, they should open the door for the owner, but nothing more.
Forcing to open my property to the public and risk my property?!.

You went full retard, author. Never go full retard.
This is just another competitor in the EV industry, which Musk wnated all along, more and more and more.
This is his endgame, shifting from stupid obsolete cars with gas and promoting new tech.
He did exactly that with payment methods, Paypal, taking people more and

turbos suck and superchargers blow, right?!

That is an ok price for a working old car, not needing any mechanical repairs. For a defective one like this, maybe 1000 is a decent price

At this current time my only beef with the tesla single large screen design is the actual GUI.

I tried GTA online a long time ago.
I stopped quite fast after several hack players killing me instantly after spawn ...Weird how it lets high level players with the new charachters in the same playing match.

This should be interesting to see.
The “news” outlet that is vocally hating on Tesla wanting to drive one.
Literally hate, in the hisotry of articles, there is a pattern of senseless illogical hate.

So if I buy right now a brand new Tesla model S P100DL , a brand new Corvette C7 and go to one of the enough EV specialized shops world wide, i can have a solid built transplant of the P100DL tech onto the C7 with less than 1/3 of what these idiots expect (that 750 K) (and have enough brand new parts left that could

Oddly enough people are spending fortunes on the Singer 911s, which are not on par with modern 911.
Maybe these guys should distance themselves from the C7 and go for a C5 or a C4, a classic iconic vehicle and trick it out inside and out and with proper EV tech.

right, the whores come out of the woodworks for their 5 minutes of f(sh)ame. Yeah right, rape.

Hyundai i20 style of headlights, skewed a bit into a rectangular outline and not a dynamic angular like the i20

Who said driving on public roads is meant to be fun?
That is a way to get from A to B as fast as possible to reach your destination.
The need for fun appeared from the long boring trips for some.

Diesels should be banned altogether already, and they give incentives!?
German government is retarded