mr Z

Best thing ever.
Powerups will be the future of racing.
PS: Who the fuck are you Elizabeth Werth?!
How the fuck did you end up writting here?! Another new sock changed.
Oh, how low has Jalopnik fallen, filled with all these nobodies

PPS: in case your limited knowledge isn’t knowing a similar thing has been done in Formula

manual?! magic?!
That is like ... easy?!
It’s quite nice to play with the stick, but more amazing is the paddle shift on the side of the steering wheel

It is funny (in it’s stupidity stupidly) how this shit is filed in the “journalism” section.
Imagine that, this being called “journalism”.

I quit...
No you’re fired...
How the fuck can you fire me, when i already quit..
Shut up, i said you’re fired, i am the guy in charge, i say you’re fired, i will not allow you to quit...
Sounds familiar?!

“Look i do shit better”...”WHERE you idiot?! you are just running your mouth”
Yes, everyone is quicker than the Tesla, all are very loud in bragging, yet nofucking body anyone else is building electric cars like tesla does.
Nissan is making some econoboxes, overpriced econoboxes with electric motor.
GM is doing

“I like the buyer’s remorse” from the begining
Of course any buyer would blow his mind when he finds he has to pay 3x the advertised price through a lie and scam.

Your cases are so cute.
So with a 1600/month for a 30.000 car you find that bad?!
You live in such a comfy country with lax financial system.
You should learn the hard truth, practiced in other, capitalist, countries.
Where the banking system is like vicious jurassic park predators.
Think of a 300/month salary and a

What a retarded politician.
How many deaths on the road with human drivers?!
With jaywalking individuals in the middle of the night.

Indicar better evolve fast to electric or they will be obsolete very fast and lose ground

This is how politicians should be placed in office
Not phony elections with shady methods.
Employed with the average national wage and at each year receive bonuses if they deliver
If they don’t they should fired and if worse, they somehow do bad things, get jailed and their valuables taken as compensation.

Not pedestrian.
Jaywalking idiot or even an (succesful) attempt of suicide.

This is not what a flying car is supposed to look like
This is at best, a compact, folding, self propelled helicopter

You’re kinda late with this video

God forbid you somehow hide one of those gold bars that have fallen.
Just think of what the Inquisition did in the dark ages and multiply that by tenfold.
They will skin you alive if you steal from them.

why would anyone buy a lincoln...they are ugly , and acura in joining them soon as it seems with their latest products.

What do you expect?!
Politicians are whores of the corporations, they get “elected” into the positions with multi million/billion budgets from their...hmmm...sposors (?!)
So their free will is non-existent and all the politicians decisions are based on what the “sponsor” needs done.

There are probably better one offs MR2 out there, but without the Toyota official team involvement they are discarded

From now on, you should stop expressing your views regarding design and beauty.
Clearly your tastes are parallel with that.
I will not waste time reading the article, based on the poor quality in the title and seeing the image of the vehicle.
But maybe you should stick to either writing some texts devoid of any design

He thought he was playing GTA 6 VR
He did not steal the car if he intended to return it, he was just joyriding

That vehicle is a vehicle of choice?! HOW?
It wastes so much space with that long hood, instead of making a nice cab over engine design to maximize volume