Mr. Z


Nonsense. My father, a chef, taught me that you use a hot pan with medium high heat. When the meat’s juices start pooling at the top, you turn. You can’t get good at something by just reading about it!

Biggie had it wrong! NY, great place to (just) visit!

The problem these elitist A-Holes (like Mr. MJ/Hitler pubic hair fetish)have is partly due to them being who they are. You start to blame people for your inability to accept change and doing things you deem as unacceptable (you are almost right but way past wrong). While walking in Japan I learned that America is very

The problem these elitist A-Holes have is partly due to them being who they are. You start to blame people for your inability to accept change. While was walking in Japan I learned that America is very disorganized and stupid. They use protocol and practice etiquette when walking by staying on the left at all times

Geez, don’t know about the MJ part but I can definitely see a lot of Hitler! Take a chill pill Adolf!

Why don’t you let us know how you really feel? Trollapalooza going on here standing room only! I’ll admit she deserved some type of punishment for botching a true kickback bbq classic. Perhaps 18 months hard labor but kicking someone’s ass for messing up a cover seems a little carried away, don’t you think? And then

You speak like an expert. Only thing you are an expert in is taintfrom your handle and I would imagine you like the manliest of taints! Raiders were very competitive in the early 2000's. Just had bad officiating and misfortune against them. You’re probably a Patty fan.

You need to be deported from whatever shit hole your ancestors spewed out of. Piece of shit inbred Euro-mutt pilgrim..

Get off those steel cut Irish nuts! Oh and you are so young! You can get easily chin-checked by any 44 y/o. George Costanza could knock your hipster pussy ass out! Pinche gringo puto! De La Hoya is a boxing legend. I spit on your writing style. Don’t know shit about the sweet science! MMAmon!