Mr. Zsasz

Whatever you say. I'd argue that being considered for a major role is still better than getting a three-minute cameo cast with the lead singer of a forgettable British rock band.

Whatever you say. I'd argue that being considered for a major role is still better than getting a three-minute cameo cast with the lead singer of a forgettable British rock band.

Cannery Row? Ugh, no, that's awful.

Cannery Row? Ugh, no, that's awful.

At least 8 prostitutes in the greater Whitechapel area were, in fact, secretly piranha. One is theorized to have killed Jack the Ripper in an act of self-defense, but experts remain uncertain. The sea will likely never reveal all of her mysteries.

At least 8 prostitutes in the greater Whitechapel area were, in fact, secretly piranha. One is theorized to have killed Jack the Ripper in an act of self-defense, but experts remain uncertain. The sea will likely never reveal all of her mysteries.

After admitting that any effort on our part to avoid the coming deluge of fairy-tale epics would be futile at best, my girlfriend and I slunk into Snow White and the Huntsman with our sphincters tightly clenched in apprehension. (Certainly, the trailers had made it look better than Mirror, Mirror at least, but such a

After admitting that any effort on our part to avoid the coming deluge of fairy-tale epics would be futile at best, my girlfriend and I slunk into Snow White and the Huntsman with our sphincters tightly clenched in apprehension. (Certainly, the trailers had made it look better than Mirror, Mirror at least, but such a

*doodles "Hell Naw" box at the bottom, checks it off*

*doodles "Hell Naw" box at the bottom, checks it off*

Jane and I learned an invaluable lesson about the decay of our nation's moral fiber over the weekend, screening (and summarily making fun of) a double-bill of classic filmstrips exposing the dangerous, sexually perverse underworld of 1950's America. The first, a chilling little fable entitled Boys Beware - produced in

Jane and I learned an invaluable lesson about the decay of our nation's moral fiber over the weekend, screening (and summarily making fun of) a double-bill of classic filmstrips exposing the dangerous, sexually perverse underworld of 1950's America. The first, a chilling little fable entitled Boys Beware - produced in

D.A.: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client… is, without a doubt, the stupidest individual I've ever met in my life.

D.A.: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client… is, without a doubt, the stupidest individual I've ever met in my life.

Unfortunately, Rufio is not real.

Unfortunately, Rufio is not real.

Oh, you should have seen Otis make three rats dance to Orpheé aux Enfers in the cafeteria the other day. He even made them little dresses out of wax paper and rubber bands. The man's an artist.

Oh, you should have seen Otis make three rats dance to Orpheé aux Enfers in the cafeteria the other day. He even made them little dresses out of wax paper and rubber bands. The man's an artist.

Could it possibly be Luna Park, Buenos Aires' most classy downtown sporting complex?

Could it possibly be Luna Park, Buenos Aires' most classy downtown sporting complex?