
I was wondering the same thing, the Black Shark would not only have to solve one but two rotors... Wikipedia here I come!

here we go!

Where is this pool at? this one is the best!

Helping my Clan on Commander Mode!

Chinese Quality..... I would not step on that thing, if is not the structure coming down i'll probably die because of Lead or Sulfuric Acid on the Drywall, no Thanks...

I remember that when I played half life 2 and sold it on ebay later i had to transfer my ID to the new owner so that he could play because there was a restriction with Steam...

I hate Campers.....

Just like they did with the 360? I think we all know who won that battle.....


The question is did it land?

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...


So like two days ago there was an article about how this was the BEST PHONE EVER!, now there is data leakage, maps suck, Camera Suck.... I can think of several other phones that have not had those issues... kind of takes away at the credibility of this blog

Fing Corporate Bullies... an apple fanboy commenting in 3, 2, 1...

Being an iPhone owner and seeing this, actually makes me exited IMO iphone5 is nothing but the same stuff. I want fing widgets...

I used the linked In app(Android) but after reading the "privileges" that the app gets from installing on the phone I removed it... way way too invasive.

We are FU$%ed

Cant wait to be able to run against this in Pamplona 2.0

Non sense and not accurate.

That might be true, but their tactics work.... Im sure the whales are happy about that :-)