
They have a whole other team just for the multiplayer portion. If you want to protest them over something, then bring up the travesty of Dragon Age 2. The fact you whine about them putting in multiplayer and then say you are going to buy the game anyways, is just stupid and makes me think lesser of you.

Vanguard is the best class in the game IMO. I used the charge to shoot across the room and blast fools before they knew what was happening. I always play on the hardest difficulty and there was very few areas that I had problems with my Vanguard. You are doing it wrong.

The old DMC videos never gave off the "easy" mode vibe and that is a problem. Ninja Theory's games aren't known for challenging AI.

I like everything about this game except for the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE Dante design. His hair looks like a dead rat stapled to his head. Also the combat seems to be shaping up but it still doesn't look like Dante combat yet. He needs to move around more and dodge enemy attacks while attacking. The combat looks

Ones an FPS and the other an open world RPG. You can't compare the two games and neither can you compare their engines. Sad Zelda player is sad that his game hasn't yet entered the new generation. No voice-overs is a joke and a horrible cop-out by Nintendo.

One word: NO!

You must be joking?

God at least change their names. Please don't use Japanese names on white characters.

Go play Dragon Age 2 then.

I agree completely and I am sure if Nintendo wanted to do it, they could do correct voice acting. It's just pure laziness on the part of the developer. Either that, or they didn't want to deal with fan wrath.

Dude, you are complaining about the game being too easy and yet you play on normal. I play on Master difficulty with a mod that scales the enemies to be 10 times harder. It's a ton more challenging then before and I find myself having to use all the tools at my disposal.

Haha you so funny. Skyrim on PC owns everything else because of mods. Mods fix all the above listed problems. Skyward Sword looks good, but Skyrim is one of the most complicated and epic games I have ever played.

They have been producing this for years. Glad to see it finally coming out.

I love the tech that goes into this vehicle, but I hate the car itself. It's ugly and reminds me of the automotive equivalent of Simon Cowell.

Yeah I will reserve judgement till it is out. I like Timur quite a bit though, his vampire trilogy is awesome.

I actually thinks this looks decent because of the different aliens. The last trailer with the terrible dub step track made me think otherwise though.

My dad had a 97 Legacy GT wagon that was amazing when I was growing up. In my youthful stupidity, I used to drive that car amazingly fast. At one point I was driving over 100 mph along a frontage road when an Xterra got angry at my fast driving. The driver attempted to get me to stop, but wasn't able to keep up at all

If you are driving a WRX, then hopefull it has been modded or you are waiting to upgrade to an STI. The turbo lag on a WRX is so huge, you might have trouble getting the ticket.

Huh, I fail to see why they would add it if it isn't drivable.
