
As an art student this kind of shit infuriates me.

Good for Tyson! I still have a hard time believing he raped Robin Givins. The whole trial was such a farce and spectacle. Tyson may have been a violent asshole, but he was a very attractive man at that point in time and I fail to believe that a party-hungry, groupie like Robin actually was raped. I believe he probably

I've never understood the appeal of nerdcore and I am a big nerd. I just don't find it funny and think that 99 percent of them suck at rapping.

Agreed. The only custom shirt I would pay that price for is a reprint of an old shirt I really want.

Once again you have proven the ignorance of Apple's primary customer base. Well done!

Bullshit, you obviously have no idea about the history of smartphones. Windows Mobile SPB Mobile Shell was very usable and there were multi-touch demos on Windows Mobile long before your precious iPhone. Keep living in your bubble where Apple created everything of significance.

And people like you are the reason we are sad. I am disappoint 8(

Cirque came up with the modern pointer not Apple. Sharp and Apple both adopted Cirque pointer around the same time, we just never saw any damn Sharp machines over here. Apple is very good at recognizing other people's products as being excellent and including them in there machine. It's just too bad that the average

If you left Engadget for Gizmodo based on biased articles, then you came to the wrong place. Sure Engadget might be a bit biased but Gizmodo is the king of biased articles. If Apple was a massive mother pig, each of their editors would be fighting to get a suckle on momma-Apple's teat.

LOL, this thread is a joke. I love how you say the iPod created an industry from scratch! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I had an MP3 player long before the iPod came out, so i'm pretty sure Apple did not create the industry besides making it appeal to the average fool. Don't even get me started on the bullshit that is

I want that AE-86 and the s2000. Nice cars man!

I'm totally with you there. I actually started listening to foreign rap and hip hop because it is much more pure and old school than the bullshit they pass off in America.

The is no point in arguing when the author obviously has no idea what they are talking about. "Something like unlocking the screen by dragging an unlock image may seem trivial to you, but someone had to come up with the idea in the first place." This is a funny example because Apple didn't do this. Apple happened to

Exactly, morons like you who buy all them up so you can resell them higher can go to hell. People like you are the reason that legitimate buyers can't even find one.

That is nasty as shit. You do realize that cellphones are one of the most germ infested objects we own. The average man's phone is as dirty as a restroom handle. Would you lick a restroom handle?

See the comment above yours for answer.

Yep, it's painful to watch new videos because I want to play it so bad.

Hahaha, that is thing crazy nuts. It looks scary for me to ride. I have always thought that riding style would be hard to balance, but if you are riding it off of curbs it must be good enough for it.

Agreed, I use GO as well. I used to use Handcent, but that program is terrible.