
Chickens hurt themselves the most when they struggle around. With this machine, by the time they have a chance to struggle they are already in cages ready to go.

Agreed. I loved the way Guild Wars did skills, though I think it is awesome how you can hot swap quicker in the new one.

I love how everything you say is wrong and misinformed. TROLL!

I don't spend 99 percent of my time playing an MMO story. You spend 99 percent of the time killing things in an MMO and the "killing things" system in this game looks horrible.

The game looks terrible, what did you expect? The pacing in the game is akin to a slug taking a walk.

This game has already launched in Korea and the press there shat all over it. From what I read, the game is buggy as all hell and the launch was far from smooth. They better whip it into shape because that won't fly in our overcrowded market.

All I have to say is check out Age of Conan. If you stand there like you say, you will die by me in 2 seconds. AOC is the only MMO I have played where the positioning and movement are almost more important than your skills.

I agree with your statements except the limited skill choice thing. I don't think alot of people realized that in the first GW to get the good skills you had to steal them from monsters. That game had a shit ton of skills you could choose from, yet only a set number you can take into battle. This allowed for much more

Agreed! I have been playing Age of Conan recently and it really changes the game when you have the ability to interact with players and mobs on a physics level. I wish more MMOs did that as Conan is the only one I have seen with a correct physics model on everything.

No thank you! Trying to play an MMO with a controller is like trying to build a car with a screwdriver. It just doesn't work.

Go back to console gaming where they charge for DLC. You do realize that the game has more than one ending? Don't hate on something when you are a moron. The Witcher 2 is one of the best games of all time. People can tell that you are just some random internet fool who wants to distribute hate.

Yeah people don't realize that this is actually more humane.

Read the article, the machine is easier on the chickens than catching them by hand. It doesn't damage them at all.

Not awesome since it is fake. It is hard enough getting good evidence without having to sift through the viral and hoax videos.

I just love stuff like this!

Looks good, even though I don't find ghosts to be scary at all.

If you don't know what a hardcore RPG is, then you are not the market for it at all. 99 percent of games that call themselves RPGs these days have none of the classic elements that make RPGs great. Also I never said the Wicher 2 was a hardcore old-fashioned RPG, but it was 10 times the game that Dragon Age 2 was. You

I fail to see the innovation.

The thing is Dragon Age was supposed to be a revival of the hardcore RPG and Origins was exactly that. Dragon Age 2 was made to appeal to the lowest level of casual RPGer like you. The series was never intended for the casual fan, but after it made more money than Mass Effect, Bioware sold out and dumbed the game down

Pretty much the only good Dota style game I have played. I can't stand the other copycats. At least it has it's own style.