
Dota does not equal chess.

And this is why I hate DoTa. Why for the love of god does every Dota style game have to look exactly the same!?

I don't understand how you take "We didn't like Dragon Age 2" and turn it into everything Bioware releases is crap. No where in my statement did I say such things. Don't go putting opinions in other people's mouths because that is bullshit. People had valid concerns about Bioware's games. If Dragon Age 2 was a

Que the console haters who think 64 is too many players.

I know, how dare we have opinions. You are one of those losers that thinks Bioware can do no wrong. When a company makes a mistake they deserve to take flak for it. Dragon Age 2 was a joke that shit all over what made the first game great. TOR looks like a crappy WoW derivitive. These are valid opinions that are not

The more I see of this game, the worse it looks.

He OGd!

LOL, I had a laugh at that one because I was thinking the same joke.

Haha "classic cinematic masterpiece". I love the original Conan movies, but they were far from masterpieces.

It is interesting how the car is right hand drive yet with a left handed stick. This man is a god, he makes it look effortless. Its awesome watching him almost lose it and recover.

I love my razor mouse pad, that's for sure. It is the best mousepad I have ever owned. I just find all their other products to be overpriced for what they offer. That is great they replaced your product though, good customer service can go a long ways.

I've had two Razor mice. I was less than impressed. I find their build quality to be atrocious.

Read the article fool. There is not many suppliers that can keep up with Apple's demand of quality parts and massive quantity.

This does not recognize itself as satire at all. Starship Troopers had a sweet comical feel, while this is trying to be serious yet looks comical.

You have terrible movie taste if you thought the trailer looked good.

Because they have taste.

I've got a mouse that goes to 6000. I use the highest all the time when I FPS game.

Razor is the SkullCandy of the input market.

Mortal Kombat was not awesome. Maybe if you are 10 years old.

The best vampire origin story I have ever encountered was in the Necroscope book series. The idea is that vampires are from a parallel dimension. A hole in time allows them to come through, but these aren't the vampires you know. The vampire is an amorphous mass, kind of like an amoeba. The vampire amoeba searches for