
I thought it was entertaining. It does have an awesome part where the main character gets turned into a strogg.

Bullshit, you type in Nissan and Godzilla into Google and the first images you get are of the GT-R. I have been a Skyline fan for years and I never referred to the R32 as Godzilla.

Gimme a break Pixar is using it non-realtime movies and animation. That has almost no relationship to actual realtime rendering and animation. Notch knows more than Pixar when it comes to game rendering in an engine that is for sure.

Yeah well making a map is vastly different from making a mod.

It doesn't seem funny to me, it's just stupid. Maybe I just don't get it. I see the purpose of a trailer for shitngiggles but why waste money on this trash.

The free updates have been terrible for it though and Capcom promised much more (like always).

Have you used the Source engine to build anything? Then have you gone from Source to Unreal 3 or Cryengine and tried to build something? It's like trying to build a car with tools from the 1950s, it can be done, its just not nearly as fast or as efficient as using modern power tools. Source engine is the equivalent of

LOL, that made me laugh.

That's what I was thinking.

I love how you have never been able to form a cognitive thought that would actually makes sense in writing. I was trying to make an actual point, while you were the one who decided to troll. Well played!

This looks like it might be entertaining if they are portraying it as a comedy, but it seems to me they are trying to pass it off as serious. It looks like someone's crappy ass youtube movie.

George Lucas ruined Star Wars, I don't see why you are blaming SL Jackson.

You are so misinformed it is unbelievable. It would be incredibly hard to get the exact same level of lighting interaction going from one engine to another. It isn't hard to take assets from one engine and shove them into another. The biggest problem lies in the underlying architecture. This is why most Unreal engine

Your computer must suck nuts.

Agreed completely. I don't either of those engines. One is based on old Id Code and the other is made for machines made in 1990 to run. I love Valve, I just wish they would scrap 99 percent of their codebase and create an awesome new engine.

So if this is gonna be a free update where the fuck is my free update to MvC3. I hate you Capcom!

Yeah my dad had been smoking since he was 16. Finally his esophagus couldn't take it anymore and he decided to quit. Even after smoking for years and years he said it wasn't that hard to quit, though to this day he says he would enjoy it if he could smoke still. I use my dad as a reason to why I never picked up the

Oh well, the game looks pretty poor for how long they have been working on it. There are tons of good action rpgs and mmos to choose over this game.

It will be interesting to see DOTA in the crappy source engine.

Agreed, I won't even purchase a game from them anymore. I despise their business practices.