
Metro 2033 is pretty stealthy if you have an Xbox.

I don't...

That is the worst photoshop lol. She is as big as the car!

Of course you are. There is always some person who cares more about being a consumer than making a stand on a bad situation. Because of people like you, companies think they can get away with this bullshit. Thanks for helping to kill gaming!

"people give money to him, including me, because they see something of value in his words." That right there has invalidated anything you have to say on the matter. You are no better then the poor pathetic fools who give money to those televangelists hoping to be healed. You are brainwashed and can't see the error of

Bioshock was definitely a critical success, not so with Bulletstorm. Also Deus Ex 1 is the greatest FPS of all time and nothing even comes close.

The game is a stupid game and not entertaining. That is reason it didn't perform. Also an Epic game without multiplayer is like having a hamburger without the bun.

He is no better then the tele-evangelists that are all over TV. Also I hate all religion, I am an Atheist. The point I am trying to make here is that Deepak Chopra extorts money from desperate victims. At least the church doesn't do that. You are so ignorant that you can't seem to see the real issue here. If you think

I won't be. I won't be purchasing a Capcom game again for a long time. They are a terrible company now.

Fuck the tournament players! Capcom's business is not based on tournament players. They have screwed millions of fans just to please idiots like you.

I don't care about your stupid tournaments. I payed for the collector's edition of the first one and I am sure as hell not buying it again. This is the last game I buy from Capcom. Their bullshit is starting to wear thin on me.

He preys on the weak and desperate. That is by no means harmless.

Anyone who preys upon the stupidity of others is a cruel predator. If your son was dying you would be desperate for anything to try. This guy is just a fraud who steals from emotionally fragile people.

The dude is a scam artist plain and simple. At least the Pope has a legitimate religion behind him. Deepak Chopra just made a bunch of crap up to produce money. I feel sad for anyone who believes his crap, more so than people who believe religious nonsense.

Bombers are pathetic individuals. It doesn't take any courage or skill to blow up innocents. They sicken me.

AND MIRROR'S EDGE RIPPED OFF THE CRYSIS PARKOUR MOD! Seriously, actual innovation is done by building upon another idea. The CG in the movie looks terrible, worse than the old Spiderman films.

Yeah no shit, I know of a few drivers who would whoop Ken's ass in a Gymkhana challenge. To be a master, you have to be the best and he isn't. He just happens to have the most exposure.

You are a moron. As an IT admin, a ton of our tools and image deployment software are on CDs. It is a royal pain in the ass to get them to work on USB drives so we don't bother. You assume that everyone has moved on from "flimsy scratch-prone CDs", but the business world moves at the speed of a snail and Apple killed

Guys in the NFL have died from hits that are too hard. The injury rate alone in the NFL proves that it is dangerous as fuck, much more so than any other sport.