
Hate all you want on Free to Play, but the model revived Age of Conan to the point of the game being extremely viable and entertaining. The amount of players reminds me of WoW and it seems the model is really working well. I am really glad they switched over.

I always think of Simon Pegg when I see that Citizen Cane clip.

Fuck you Sweden!

Thank God! Steam is awesome, but has always been slow as shit. I hated have to wait 2 days to get the game downloaded off of Steam when I could have a torrent done in a few hours. Now if only Blizzard's dumb asses would implement the same thing. It takes me all night to update Starcraft II.

The guys in football are like 3 times the size of rugby players. This alone means the hits will be much more severe.

Lol, pads allow harder hits. Any rugby player would die from a hit from a huge ass lineman.

The big difference between rugby and football is the size of the players. Football players are insanely huge and if you didn't have pads on you would be dead. I like both sports, but football is by far a more dangerous sport. The pads only allow them to hit even harder. Think of it as the difference between a

Read, it's not a kit car.

I smell bullshit!

I got rid of my iPod because the sound is so terrible. My htc phone has a much better sound processor. Sound quality is much more important than quantity to me.

People like you are the reason why are patent system sucks ass.

We would have no innovation without the theft and subsequent building upon of ideas.

LOL, "Patents drive innovation" Oh fuck I can't stop laughing!

No fuck you! Neither of those cars needs to be turned into this hideous monstrosity. Don't go giving him ideas!

The problem I have is all aftermarket exhaust is illegal in my state, yet Harley's get to rev their shitty sounding engines all they want. My buddy's stock CRX gets exhaust note tickets all the time and yet you can drive a fucking Harley up the street at 2 in the morning without problems. It's a bullshit double

You don't because he is wrong.

No shit, it sounds like a bunch of hipster trash.

Well iPhone owners aren't known for being particularly tech savvy.

He looks to be riding a make believe horse or a make believe hooker into the restaurant.
