
Duke Nukem approves of this boob tower. He would still hit it.

Go ahead and where a swastika shirt and see how it goes. YOU may not think it's bad, but society will view you as a Nazi.

The manji symbol is not a swastika, it is reversed.

Problem is douchebags use it today in negative connotation. The swastika wasn't originally a symbol for hatred buy it is seen that way in today's society and that is why you don't see it widely used. Same thing with the confederate flag.

Yeah I showed this clip to my multimedia class and everyone was cracking up. The teacher loved it!

You are an immature internet douchebag who wants to tell everyone he is a millionaire. You are so full of shit it is coming out your ears.

I'm with you on that, Demon Soul's is the perfect execution of what Ninja Gaiden was trying to accomplish.

Yeah I feel you man. Like in the WoW old days, everyone was running around as a damn Paladin.

If you didn't play Crysis 1 on Delta difficulty then you didn't play Crysis 1, enough said. The game is AMAZING on the hardest difficulty.

I've seen Magpies tear another Magpie to shreds before for no apparent reason.

The Witcher 2 destroys Portal 2.

It doesn't matter if you are ugly and wear stupid shit. If you are famous the women want you regardless. It really is pathetic.

All I can say to that is "Stupid Bitch" Seriously just imagine if that was you stuck in the windshield.

Doesn't alleviate the fact they are built like shit.

It works in a widely different way because fat people don't stop consuming. Drinking Diet drinks is just a cop out so they don't have to change their actual diet. Sure I consume lots of calories from soda but I don't eat that much at all and I usually only eat twice a day.

I rode my bike through winter hell to go to school. At points there were blizzards so fierce that I was literally passing cars on my bike because of visibility and traction. Awesome fun!

I know deep down that the advertisement is awesome!

You have the balls to whine about a billboard when religious zealots are constantly wasting paper sticking flyers to my door. Sorry but your argument makes no sense at all.

Edemame is the dish prepared with the soybean pods not the actual soybeans themselves.

Samsung makes the worst android phones out there. Their build quality sucks, their software sucks, and they take forever to update android. No Samsung your phones are not the best android phones.