
Yeah, but there is no rules dictating what bottled water is. They could be bottling up sewer water for all we know. Tap water has much stricter guidelines and regulations.

I pound soda all the time to keep me going. I also drink lots of juice and water too. I am 160 pounds and it seems to add no weight. The people who drink enough soda to become fat are going to be fat anyways because they are massive consumers.

Hahah, Marathon introduced vertical aiming. Good one!

Also for anyone who does have the game, when you beat it, it unlocks a bunch of trailers for old builds. It really does amaze me how much they redid the game over and over. Also the engine changes are really drastic. One of the trailers reminds me of Deus Ex and the other has a gritty FEAR style to it. They could have

Hahaha, how can you hate the voice of the Duke? That's sacrilegious.

I thought the alien abortion was funny as hell. I love all the references to the Alien movies.

I find this to be very impressive from a technical standpoint. Definitely the best looking Unreal Engine game out there.

"I was in total shock, so I just walked off and left a poor victim bleeding helplessly in a pile of broken glass." There fixed.

They should get an arab to do some 2-wheeling for them. They are the best 2-wheel drivers in the world.

So they are stealing the morality system from the Witcher 2 and how it drastically changes the actually story and gameplay experience. Then they are jamming this into a shooter and trying to call it innovative. We shall see about that.

I'm with you buddy. I play the game on my PC and love it.

That just proves you aren't a Duke Nukem fanboy. This game was only released pretty much for the hardcore fans and I loved it. The multiplayer reminds me soooo much of the old Duke.

Who the hell lets a person who is clearly too drunk to drive do it? Sorry but I don't have much sympathy for the passenger either. I take my dumb ass friend's keys away all the time. Sometimes I have to fight the off a bit to get them but I find it better than killing someone in a such a horrible manner.

Better to kill himself than some poor family on the road. I have no respect for drunk drivers.

I have actually been pleasantly suprised by how good the game is. I thought it was going to be Max Hazard terrible but it still has the charm. The Duke Nukem puzzles are awesome and there is some decent level design in the game.

And this is why I am buying Duke Forever today. On pc of course.

I bet it was on "pussy mode" for the E3 demo too.

You must have played a different Duke 3d game then I did, because Duke was always pretty linear minus the secrets. You moved down the hall until there was something blocking your way (usually a door requiring a keycard) and you would find the keycard or whatever to progress. Sometimes I think time dulls ones

The same shit could be said for the Call of Duty games released every year. Your point is not valid.

My big complaint is that Mass Effect 2 is insanely easy except on the two parts where you have to fight those stupid shield mechs. If the combat was harder I might have much more fun with it. Combat was never my reason to play Mass Effec though.