
Mass Effect 2 is good, but the Witcher 2 destroys it in every way. I do love the overall arching Mass Effect story more, but the Witcher 2 is the best game I have ever played.

I just went to a Van Gogh exhibit (he is one of my favorite artists) and they had some Monet's there as well. Both are excellent and need to be viewed in their respective categories. The problem with the opinions of people who don't research or actually have info on the subject, is that they are looking at it from a

Modern Warfare's main competitor is Battlefied 3. Get over it.

Yeah Gearbox has a problem with bosses. I didn't find any of the bosses in Borderlands to be cool besides the big creature that looked like a Shadow of the Colossus boss.

Now compare this games environments to a game like Age of Conan and it is a joke though. I would like to see some strides in the graphics departments considering it is PC only.

I own an axe because I live in Utah. Sometimes you don't want to get out the chainsaw just to cut up some wood, so out comes the axe. Also I prefer chopping with an axe to a chainsaw. Great workout and less noise. Also I used to carry the axe in my car in order to chop my way out of ice during the winter. My driveway

Stupid helicopter is stupid! Keep flying machines out of my Twisted Metal!

That's a pretty funny joke considering most of the conflicts in history have been started because of religion. I'm sure more people have been killed in the name of "God" than have been in the name of atheism. I have come to realize that it is impossible to talk sense into someone with a strong religious belief. They

Well the way you go on about it, you think it would be. Obviously no one can stop you from sipping the Nintendo coolade.

Showing games that are already coming to other systems and not showing why you should actually buy the games for the Wii U and not the other systems is bad marketing.

I'm a firm believer that Battlefield should never have under 32 players. Bad Company feels like a shell of a game next to Battlefield 2.

No it just makes Nintendo look stupid.

I'm not sure which demo you saw. The bird demo I saw looked terrible compared to current gen tech demos. Since you don't have to worry about all the game framework running behind the scenes you can go all out in cinematics. Compare the bird demo to Epics new Unreal Engine demo and it looks like a joke. Wii U still

Nah he is just another internet douchebag who makes asinine statements.

Replace Bioshock with Deus Ex. Bioshock has no business being anywhere near this list.

You give me his cash and I could easily put in his performances. The guys that are impressive are not the ones who front their own money to do it because they are rich.

Colin McRae was a winner and a crasher though. Ken Block is a loser and a crasher.

Give me the money to do it and I will.

Camel Spider Bite

And one more. This is what happens when you are bitten by a camel spider.