
@Gambit09: At least dream realistically.

Awesome technology, now let's use it for something other then brainwashing the masses.

@oopsmyeye: Because even a costume reconstruction can't escape glassgate.

I wanna push him over and see if he can get up.

@d4j0k3r: Cooler Master, to my knowledge they don't make this case anymore. One of the reasons may be it is so high quality. That door on the front is half and inch thick aluminum. They don't make them like that anymore.

The shaders and effects are nice, but what kills it is the resolution. One look at that grainy SD screen and you know you are playing with a Wii.

Man that cat reminds me of my little beast that died years ago. I have NEVER seen a cat that friendly before or since. She would come when you called and liked everyone without being scared. I miss that cat.

Here is my bad boy. I have had this case for years now. There is NO plastic at all on the case, it is all high grade aluminum.

@the_other_stevejobs: They should be helping people without God. That's what pisses me off about missionaries. They think that other cultures can't possible be moral without accepting God.

@sskkiilleeff: That shit is ridiculous, I want to know the history behind it.

@eventhorizon666: Uggh I throw up in my mouth every time I see one of those. I think that is one of the ugliest supercars there is.

I live in Utah and I definitely do not crack a smile when I see a WRX. Otherwise I would be smiling like a fool all the time. Too many of the damn things. I smile when I see a NSX and a GTR though.

"Did you hear that the director of our match factory was awarded the Order of Lenin?'

@SonjaArashi: I've never considered the Wii to be "next-gen" it's just a gamecube with a new controller. Next gen to me means new architecture, vastly improved graphics, and step up in gameplay and world size.

@ChrisPBacon: Thanks my friend, that is the one. Ahh the nostalgia.

Every time I see this game I am sad it's not coming to next gen systems. I have waggle on my PS3, now make that shit happen!

One of the first games I ever played was this crazy 3d tank game on my dad's Apple Macintosh. You had to load the game off of like 5 floppies and the graphics looked like Virtual Boy if it was green instead. It was pretty damn fun though, wish I could remember the name.

@eruantaliel: So you are a hypocrite then? I can understand someone being a vegetarian, but you CAN NOT be a true vegan in this day and age.

@Lord_Data ∞: Nope, that is definitely the kind of thing that puts you on the do not fly list. It only takes one dumbass to take down an entire plane.

@Daedalus454 with a 207: Thats awesome. I'm gonna whip out my electric shaver and go to town as we start taking off! Sure I may get some nasty razor burn from the g forces of the takeoff, but it will be worth it exercising my right to shave on takeoff.