
I want to buy that bastard and drive it off a cliff while simultaneously shooting a rocket as I leap out Neo from the Matrix style. That seems to be the only way to make double sure this hideous creature does not see the light of day ever again.

@Grindhouse Murders: Because gaming system are made with one thing in mind, Gaming. Macs have a multi-function.

@Settings:OH SNAP! There is actually a list of energy star PC makers.

@Settings: Lol, you are posting propaganda off of Apple's website. Here is the true story behind Apple's "Green" image.

Go ahead and enjoy your shitty hottub while I bask in luxury with 20 jets massaging my body.

@Grindhouse Murders: Sorry but that analogy is flawed. You can't compare a closed gaming system to something like the Mac.

@Thorax707: It will only last so long. People will finally realize that living in the walled garden isn't as great as expected.

@Settings: Are you kidding me? Apple is one of the worst companies on the environment. They are worse then Sony and Microsoft. Apple is not a "Green" company. Hell I might even classify them as one of the WORST companies ever for environmental impact. Think of all those stupid iPods without the ability to change out

Okay, as a designer, I am gonna make a judgement on this one. The art is awesome, the design work is shoddy and poor. For one thing, Samara is not the center of the game so why put her as the focal point? It would have been cooler to show the male shepard, then a female shepard next to him instead of having other

@Grimm808: I agree, I nixed most of the stuttering by changing the ini to use most of my 4gb of ram. Problem is most users cant perform something like this.

@sethcollie: Except for you don't need to pay 500 dollars difference to get a fullsize keyboard. Its not like there is only netbooks or the air. People seem to forget about the ultra portable segment of the PC market. They are more powerful then the air and cheaper too.

@AwokeKnowing: Nice work turning this phone review into a crappy political comment. Also Obama didn't do as bad a job as everyone says he did considering the state of the office when he arrived. We are still healing from Bush's screwups. Trust me you don't want to start a political debate.

Lol, my 13 inch asus laptop I bought earlier this year would cream this thing if I put a SSD in it. It's a nice piece of over-priced hardware though.

As a massive gamer, this kind of trash saddens me. Also the Call of Duty series started to suck after 2 so why would you even want this crap?

I find fragmentation to be a feature. I will never buy a phone where I am stuck with the bullshit OS that the manufacturer thinks I should be using along with all the junk apps included.

@blyan-reloaded: Bullshit, a real hacker executes a DDoS attack behind several proxies making it damn near impossible to trace properly. You have obviously only been the victim of a small attack because I work at a major university and we have seen some crazy things in our day. Usually we don't bother with it because

@Bustedknuckles: Damn that is a fine looking automobile. I wonder how it drives.

"Your still getting a ticket even though you saved me from a pack of man eating wolves."