
You try and steal my shit and I fight back unless you have a weapon of some sort.

Might as well, since Apple seems to have a growing market share. If it means more games from Valve, then get to it. Also Mac gamers can actually benefit from some native code, instead of having to run it through windows.

How to justify $11,000 dollars for a single car war = Rich people are arrogant and stupid.

@Josh: Bullshit, they removed a feature that has been in every RTS game since the dawn of time. When every one of your customers expects that, you don't just remove things. But it's not like it matters to Starcraft fans, since like Apple fans, they would buy it even if it was the worse game in the world.

@Zonky: Wrong, they started development on Starcraft 2 in 2003. So it has at least been in the making for 7 years. For a game that has taken 7 years I expect more out of it.

@MonkeyChunks: Supreme Commander actually has strategy in it. Starcraft is all about speed and a rock paper scissors model. This is fine for some people, but those who want a real RTS game are gonna look elsewhere.

I'm pissed off they removed the brood wars units. And also I will never buy an RTS game that doesn't have a Lan option. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING BLIZZARD!


I don't mind Warhol's art, but on this car it just looks like an amateur paint job gone bad. They took an amazing car and made it look terrible.

Not bad, still overpriced though. I have an old Coolermaster Wavemaster that I still think is one of the best looking cases on the market. Oh and it looks better and is more sturdy then a mac pro.

Anyone who is fooled by that is an idiot. So basically all this guy wanted to do was fool a bunch of idiots, which really isn't hard.

It is still surprising to me to see how popular this show is.

I'm still trying to figure out if it is good or bad that one of them has my favorite supercar (Koenigsegg).

I've always wanted to do this even though I have never had a boot on my car before.

@Gary_7vn: The fact is, noone knows how the Japanese truly would have acted. The Japanese generals were shooting deserters and anyone who wanted peace.

@PaddyDugan: Do you even know about the generals who made an attempt on the Emperor's life when he wanted to surrender? Sure the common Japanese person wanted to to be over, but they are not the ones who could make the decision. Also I hate to say it but the Japanese lost any credibility with me in regards to WWII

@PaddyDugan: The US, if they hadn't the island of Japan would be a smoking crater of rubble right now because they would have fought down to every last woman and child. The thought of what would have happened if we didn't force the Emperor to surrender or if the attempt on his life by angry Japanese generals went

Take one of the most hideous cars designed and make it more hideous. Yes, yes indeed.

But it's less fun Dan Neil and that my friend is the whole point of a sports car. I don't know what kind of idiot voted for you to receive the Pulitzer, because you obviously don't understand the most important thing about owning a sports car.