
@Dadjoe: Or get a cheap led mouse that tracks on anything. Or you could get one of those pointer mice similar to the Wii that work rather well (I have some at my work). A trackpad seems like a stupid idea even for a media server. Also who has a mac for a media server.

Who cares, the market is so small that if they want to go back to the middle ages let them.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: You ignorance astounds me. My dad works in a lab developing ways to counteract the body when it does things like this. It is getting easier to "coax" the body into accepting new transplants with drugs more every day.

Better than a flacid wanker. At least it has a decent size too.

@01SNKOWNR: I just put it on download.

@Avtopromenade: Damn that shit is brutal, I wonder how the cop made out in the end. It looks to me like he made her face mush.

Thank Xenu!

If there is any car that deserves a video this epic, it's the NSX. Everytime I open my local auto magazine and see a used one of these, I feel like selling off half my worth and buying one.

@RT100: I agree with the social aspect, as my buddies haul over a screen and a PS3 for lanning all the time so that we coordinate assaults.

@RT100: I use it to play all the content I download. I haven't watched TV in over 6 years.

@RT100: Yeah I played that too (though my favorite is Battefield Vietnam). I don't think there is a console out there that could support the new engine with 64 players.

I lost my Grandmother to Alzheimer's. She was so far gone she could barely figure out how to operate a door handle. Since we live rather far away, we had been paying for a caretaker to come every morning and evening to help her with her meds, food, and other things she needed.

@RT100: It's funny you bring up BFBC2. If you had asked me a few years back if I would ever play a console Battefield game I would have laughed you out of the room.

@RT100: Agreed, I played GTA: San Andreas until the damn thing had burned the map into the TV screen. You could go watch the news and still see the map circle in the bottom corner.

@RT100: Certain genres seem to almost always fail with when brought to the console: RPGs, RTS, and FPS. I can literally list the number of console RPGs I have played on one hand, yet on PC I have played a massive number. Not having extra buttons for certain things, just makes it harder then it should be.

@RT100: I haven't upgraded my PC since the original Xbox 360 came out besides slapping a new video card in which cost about 300 dollars and is still going strong today.

@RT100: I still have to disagree with you on that. The only PC gamer society looks down on is WoW players.

My Swedish buddy Anders would be proud.

@paulrules: I hate those adapters that make your mouse work on console. It always give it a weird floaty sensation and even turned all the way up, it still doesn't feel half as good as a mouse.

@taminosk: Controllers have a limited range of motion and will NEVER match the sensitivity of a high end gaming mouse.