Mr. WorldWide

Definitely the best “Game 5 or 6 with his team up 15, teammates going off, and the best defensive player on the other team out” player of all time, for sure.

I wouldn’t say it’s poor writing just because a bunch of crackpot theories got a lot of attention. I kinda hate this whole cycle now where instead of just seeing how mysteries unfold in the following week, everyone has to come up with the most batshit theory and then people are disappointed when the writers do what

Stoneheart isn’t coming. Let it go. It’s probably for the best.

I totally told my wife, “she’s being chased by the Terminator.” That whole sequence was VERY Terminator-ish.

They weren’t random peasants... People need to stop saying that. The priest was a former Frey or Lannister bannerman who killed children (it was in his emotional backstory he told us) and was trying to make up for that. The peasants could also have had similar sordid backgrounds. This is Game of Thrones, saying you’re

The man is throwing children over 16 foot fences into yards and garages? He’s throwing children AT children in sandboxes?

Build the fence higher and make RG3 pay for it!

I was just gonna go with “Ooo-da-lolly!”

Let me tell you something about the Cleveland Cavaliers: Fuck the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Buying beer the first time I went to Philly was a goddamned ordeal.

“Really don’t need your political opinion on guns bud.”- But let me give you my opinion... /facepalm

Look folks, it’s hard to tell how tall the Trump Tower is on any given day. Some days it’s maybe 2, 3 thousand feet tall. Other days it’s a little less than that. When you own that many towers, you can’t keep track of everything from day to day.

Or get the bowl and splurge an extra buck for the brown bag of tortilla chips to go with. BURRITO NACHOS!!!!!

I’m sure I will be in the minority here, but I actually enjoyed a lot the LoEG. Shockingly, particularly for the addition of Tom Sawyer! I found the final scene of Quatermain dying while “passing the torch” to Sawyer very moving, and a great metaphor - although in no way subtle - for the substituition of the British

I never understood the fan obsession with Lady Stoneheart.

Soon this league will be virtually unrecognizable. A power forward the size of a single proton? OK, pal, but not on my watch!! Do you think a wing player should be no larger than a down quark so that he can exploit the laws of physics to travel the potato through the objective circle? NEITHER DO I MY FRIEND BECAUSE I

When my wife is driving and I’m in the passenger seat, I just about thrust my right foot right through the floor stepping on an imaginary brake pedal.

“He’s not really gone as long as we find a way to remember him.”

There’s only one way they’re getting out of that situation... GIANT EAGLES