Mr Worldly Wiseman

Who has sex in front of a huge picture window with neighbors everywhere, it's dark outside, your blinds are completely open and your lights are on? Who are these people?

It's horrible and a miracle I made it through. Jesus, those shitty, clichéd characters. The nonsensical time travel rules. Etc. Even Triangle was better.

What a fucking mess. So, they're talking to their past selves. But if so, any deviation (now rich) past self does, like say bet on the winners of a race, collect money, turn head left instead of right, would make future self's timeline obsolete. Anyways, in a movie where I cared about the characters, this

It sucks, it's a genuinely bad show

I totally agree. I don't care. That one episode that focused on Morgan was good, but otherwise, nothing. The endless absurdities have cleansed me of taking this seriously a looong time ago. And not caring, and multi-season long, sustained low expectations, have now allowed me to be pleasantly surprised by

I laughed at the few that happened during the attack. Some in the middle of a street filled with zombies.