
My issue with the show wasn't that it was too low-key. In fact, I wish there had been less hand-to-hand combat in the episodes I saw. The fight scenes were super lame. How engaging is it to watch our heroes repeatedly and effortlessly subdue outmatched opponents?

I do have a ponytail.

I'm not trying to be a fuck – I'm really not – but I only made it about eight episodes before I gave up on The Americans. I found the personal drama shallow and the espionage elements totally non-thrilling and unintelligent. But here we are, still acclaimed four years later. Is it worth giving another shot? Does it

You may be right, I've only played each of those once, and I may be conflating elements of them. But in Spirit Tracks, I remember repeatedly returning…somewhere to do those puzzles where Zelda inhabits a phantom's armor.

Have you played the HD remake? The Triforce quest is shortened and you're given a special sail that greatly speeds up your boat. It makes a big difference.

I can't do an exact ranking, but I think I can break them into tiers:

How thoughtlessly they dissipate their energies.

What about the last few Mario or Zelda games was "amazing"? What about "Smash Bros." is "amazing"?

…the unwieldy sensor bars that made the Wii tick.

Embarrassingly, it was Weird Al’s “Eat It” parody that lead me to listen to “Beat It” for the first time…

The NPCs in Twilight Princess were cut below the series' usual standards. I remember being very surprised that I couldn't chat with all the people milling around Hyrule Castle Town. It was an odd step backwards after the variety and liveliness of the characters in Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker. I think you're right

I enjoyed Skyward Sword a lot, and maybe (like Twilight Princess) I would like it more on a second playthrough. The motion controls were never a problem for me – in fact, it bums me out that we're probably not going to get another 1:1 swordplay game.

The great thing is that being a Zelda fan fills one's heart with so much love that I'm sure we can celebrate our differences.

I can't do an exact ranking, but I think I can break them into tiers:

Catherine O'Hara is the link between the two Lemony Snicket film universes.

My mom dropped me off at the mall to see some Elmo in Grouchland bullcrap. Ditched that noise.

I chatted with Jim Parsons for about an hour once. Very nice guy. Sharp, witty, good listener. I can't overstate what a pleasure it was. I don't watch his show, but on the basis of that experience, I give him a thumbs-up.

I never worshipped at the altar of Mad Men as a lot of people did, but that is a nicely designed box set. It has a humane quality that I like. Anyone else picking up that vibe?

Well put. I'm quite confident your prediction will come to pass.

Yes indeed. Four bad choices, and I'm in a state where my vote will make no impact no matter what I choose. So I suppose that leads to the question, why bother taking the time to vote for president at all?