
I disagree that the size of her mandate will have any effect on how the Republicans in Congress threat her. The GOP is going to be dysfunctional, incoherent and vicious towards Hillary Clinton no matter how many votes she gets. What incentive do they have to do otherwise? They aren't accountable to anybody but their

Bloom says at the end of the video that it would be "throwing your vote away" to vote for a third party. I don't disagree with that, but given that I live in New York, where Democratic candidates generally win approximately 60% of the vote in statewide contests, how is a vote for Clinton any less of a waste than a

Tied with "Frank's 2000" TV" for the title of Greatest Weird Al Original Song.

Not to mention Kermit the damn Frog!

You're right. I always remember Five as being only a step below One and Two, but as I think about it, the only specific good quality I can remember is the music.


Captain Amazing: Then get…the…Harold Ramis!

[T]he “Dicks, Pussies, And Assholes” monologue (as astute a delineation of international relations as ever written)…

Where does Al's classic TLC parody "Phony Calls" fall on this scale?

"Frank's 2000" TV" is great on its own, and brilliant once you realize it's a takeoff on R.E.M.'s IRS years.

From Roger Ebert's review of Steve Martin's The Pink Panther:

I've been waiting ten years for Paul Feig to write a third memoir. Many hilarious, quotable stories in those two books.

Yeah, it flew under the radar. A strange moment in his career that I would love to have explained.

Up to this point in his career, Paul Feig has never directed a film that wasn't funny, clever, and widely loved.

Now that's poetic justice!

What was the last Burton film you liked?

Not to mention the tedium of even getting to that bonus level: taking one boat to an island…and waiting there for a minute for another boat to take you to the next island. And if you miss your jump and land in the water, Yoshi disappears and you've got to start again. What a drag.

It was tedious, for sure, but the backtracking always worked for me in terms of increasing the story's panic and sense of entrapment. The last battle, where Doopliss turns your own partners against you, is also creepy.

I always thought it showed real appreciation for the audience that the most water-intensive Zelda game – The Wind Waker – had zero water-based temples.

I don't know if most people's issue is so much that it's difficult as that it's tedious. The constant raising and lowering of the water, having to pause to equip the iron boots, then pause again five seconds later to unequip them…