I did too.
I did too.
That's a valid point.
I thought it was a really good episode, but there were some things that were off for me. Obviously it was sad that Bob died. That said, I don't feel like I knew enough about Bob to be that emotionally invested in him. So I certainly felt bad, but not nearly as bad as I would have felt if Carol or Daryl or Glen had…
Yes I am too. I really want to like this, but I'm finding it incredibly dull. And what makes it worse for me is that the first 3 episodes are running at about 1 hour 20 minutes each. So it seems interminable.
I have to say, I'm kinda with you here. This season is not grabbing me at all. I want to like it, but I'm finding it incredibly boring.
I thought the same thing. Nice to be proven wrong.
Agree with you 100%.
For me, "The Grove" remains one of the best hours of television — on any network — from last year. So well-written, and heartbreaking.
Damn if the comments aren't more entertaining than the show. Loved "brief murder hiatus" in the recap. And "culinary hematology" as one of the comments.
Because he didn't bring a computer with him to Zenith. Or are you asking why Barbie didn't physically type the email to Julia, and instead had his dad do it? That I have no idea. I'll blame the Dome.
Last night when Big Jim pulled Julia over and was standing at her window, she saw the sheriff's badge and said "so you're the sheriff now, huh?" I interpreted her comment like "eh, why not? The whole thing is silly anyway." It actually made me laugh.
Love your comment.
God knows I would never defend this show. But I think Barbie might know Joe's email addy. Didn't Joe show Barbie his laptop when he previously received an email? If so, then it would make sense (for this show anyway) that Barbie might have remembered Joe's email address.